Page 38 - Foreign Language Catalogue 2021 (22092021)
P. 38

Amazing Pigs                                           Animal Files
                                                      1 x 60’, 4K                                          10 x 30’, HD
              We may not have noticed it yet, but pigs are slowly taking over the planet! There   As a species, we humans have an unattractive tendency to believe in our own
              are an estimated two billion of them, living on every continent except Antarctica.   superiority. We think we’re the only ones with an inner life, with feelings and
              Humans are partly to blame – pigs have been a part of our lives for thousands   morals. But this documentary series explores the unexpected wonders of the
              of years. In this film, we follow the many lives of pigs and ask, what is the key to   animal world and helps to show that nature always has something to teach us.
              their remarkable success?                            If we could only regard our fellow inhabitants of the planet with wonder and
                                                                   respect, we might find that everyone benefits.
                       Terra Mater Factual Studios/Smithsonian Networks/
                                             Humble Bee Films                                    Prola - SD Cinematografica

                                    The Bat Women of Panama                                          Bible Hunters
                                                1 x 60’, SD, Subtitled                               2 x 60’, HD, Subtitled
              There are more bat species flying in one small patch of forest in Panama than   In 1908 the Bible Hunters set off to explore the ancient Near east, searching
              can be found in the whole of Europe or the USA. To study their behaviour, a   for the earliest possible records of Christianity. This is a detective story full of
              group of adventurous and daring women scientists, the Bat Women of Panama,   astonishing revelations and adorned with breathtaking locations. We will chart
              live and work at the Smithsonian research station on Barro Colorado Island, in   their epic quest for ancient papyri and parchment, share the thrill of their
              the Panama Canal.                                    discoveries and examine what the texts they discovered reveal about the Bible
                                                                   and Christianity itself.
                                  Fitz Productions Films/Off the Fence/ZDF                 CTVC/BBC 2/Smithsonian Networks

                                            Circus of The Wild                                       Collar Of Duty
                                                      1 x 90’, HD                                          24 x 30’, HD
              Animals frequently make us laugh because of their unusual or clumsy behaviour,   This entertaining and inspired series explores the world of service animals, and
              or the entertaining situations they get themselves into. This filmic journey around   the life-changing impact they have on the people they help. From prisons to
              the world presents a wide range of astonishing and amusing animal antics, from   courtrooms, classrooms to hospitals, these animals make a real difference. We
              mischievous Barbary macaques to penguins on beaches, from monkeys in   talk to a team of dedicated animal trainers, explore the latest training technology,
              thermal baths to elephants at a hotel reception.     and meet the engineers building the next generation of gadgets. This vivid series
                                                                   is moving, heartwarming and humorous.
                      Doclights/NDR Naturfilm/Terra Mater Factual Studios                              Summerhill Media
     Content Available in Brazilian Portuguese / Conteúdo Disponível em português do Brasil
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