Page 29 - Foreign Language Catalogue 2021 (22092021)
P. 29

Emerald Islands
                                    Dust And Stripes                                         Of Malaysia
                                            1 x 60’, HD                                           1 x 60’, 4K
     ‘Dust and Stripes’ explores the fragility of new life and the strong family ties   The islands of Malaysia are jewels of nature: ancient rainforests cascade down
     that help animals survive in one of Africa’s most surreal and difficult landscapes,   mountains into crystal clear seas. From silvered langurs caring for their bright
     the arid saltpans of Botswana’s Makgadikgadi Pans. This documentary, focusing   orange babies and ants tending their herds of mealy bugs, to boisterous
     on southern Africa’s largest plain zebra population, tells a story of loyalty and   mudskippers and a noisy fruit bat roost - this is nature at its most extraordinary!
     sacrifice, of home and exile – of death and new life.  Innovative photography allows us to explore the tiny world of insects, and the
                                                         beautiful colours of the coral reefs.
         Thirteen WNET/New York/Terra Mater Factual Studios                            Backwards Roll Productions

                              Epic Safari Encounters                               Europe’s Largest Desert        Content Available in Castilian Spanish / Contenido disponible en Castellano
                                            26 x 30’, 4K                                          1 x 60’, HD
     Join  Kristina  Guberman  as  she  takes  you  on  a  tour  of  some  of  the  most   Near the cold Pyrenees of Iberia, surrounded by ancient and dark green forests,
     fascinating and incredible safari destinations in Zimbabwe and Southern Africa.   there is an odd land where the rain is so scarce and the wind is always blowing.
     At each destination Kristina is joined by some of the finest wildlife guides on the   The soil is poor, there are no trees and the landscape has become very much like
     planet as they lead her on epic safaris, life changing experiences and amazing   the moon. This strange landscape is home to incredible creatures with surprising
     spectacular vistas. The wow factor is at every turn!  behaviours. Living in such conditions is not easy and it’s only the toughest animals
                                                         that will survive.
                                     Goddunnit Promotions        Genera Doc Wildlife S.L aka Alvaro Mendoza Productions

                        Forgotten Forests of Malaysia                                             Grizzly
                                             1 x 60’, 4K                                          1 x 60’, HD
     Malaysia boasts some of the most ancient forests on the planet. These are   Grizzly tells the story of Yellowstone National Park’s grizzly bears. Shot over three
     biological treasure troves; home to an unparalleled wealth of life. From the first   years and narrated by Susan Sarandon, the programme intimately follows the
     tentative steps of a baby proboscis monkey to a cascade of translucent spiderlings   dramatic journey of two grizzlies: a mother struggling to protect and teach her
     hatching from the egg of an ogre faced spider, or the story of deception that   tiny young cubs, and a young male fighting for survival in a valley full of wolves,
     characterises the orchid mantis, Forgotten Forests of Malaysia explores some of   black bears and bigger grizzlies.
     our planet’s most enigmatic evolutionary marvels.
                                  Backwards Roll Productions                                    45 North Films
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