Page 23 - Spring Lineup 2021 Brochure
P. 23

    Director: Ian Lilley
Director: Joaquin Gutiérrez Acha
Clydesdale: Saving The Greatest Horse
1 x 90’ or 1 x 60’, 2020, HD
The Clydesdale horse - famed for its white- feathered feet and for hauling Budweiser beer - is in danger of dying out. These giant and iconic horses are on the verge of what many call the “vortex of extinction” in the very place where they were first bred - Scotland. Now, one woman is on a quest to save the Scottish Clydesdale. Janice Kirkpatrick is an award-winning Glaswegian designer and deeply passionate about this horse. Her plan is simple: find the lost blacks and bring them home.
Infield Fly Productions Inc/ Stream Scotland Ltd
Dehesa: The Forest Of The Iberian Lynx
1 x 90’ or 2 x 60’, 2020, 4K
The Dehesa is the Iberian Peninsula’s best kept secret – sometimes called the Spanish Serengeti, it is an ancient and wild grassland dotted with trees. But these are no ordinary trees; holm oaks, cork trees and gall-oaks have shaped this landscape. Today, large herbivores graze the landscape, stealthy Iberian lynxes prowl the shadows, formidable eagles patrol the skies, and colourful wildflowers conceal predators that have such astonishing camouflage they seem to completely disappear.
Terra Mater Factual Studios/ Wanda Visión S.A.
Future Proof Present
1 x 90’, 2020, HD
Shot in the Netherlands and Brazil, ‘Future Proof Present’ discusses the problems caused by the current Linear Economic model (take, make, consume and dispose). This film investigates the principles of the Circular Economy, a new and revolutionary way of thinking, a “Capitalism 2.0” adopted by the Netherlands with such success that it’s being considered as a promising economic guideline to a more sustainable and long lasting future. We discover the routine of a typical Dutch family in order to understand how such innovative ideas are already a part of people’s lives.
Director: Corey Baker
Dancing On Icebergs
1 x 90’, 2019, HD
In 2018 Kiwi choreographer Corey Baker made history when he filmed a world first; a dance film to highlight the impact of climate change on Antarctica. ‘Dancing on Icebergs’ chronicles the build up to the trip; preparation and delays, arrival and survival training, location scouting, staging and filming of the dance, successes and failures and sheer human courage and endeavour as the days tick away to their scheduled departure. Failure to complete the film in time would have seen the entire project fall apart, something that was always front of mind for Corey and crew.
Magnetic Pictures
The Edge Of Existence
1 x 90’, 2020, HD
‘The Edge of Existence’ tells the story of human-wildlife conflict in the Western Corridor of the Serengeti, Africa. Human- wildlife conflict is a global issue that has reached crisis levels, threatening the survival of both humans and wild animals. Communities are living in closer proximity to wildlife than ever before. But due to expanding human development, deforestation, and depletion of natural resources, the wilderness areas have started to disappear. See through the eyes of the people who live in the Serengeti, and the daily challenges they face as they struggle to co-exist with Africa’s Wildlife.
     Directors: James Sutter and Charlie Lucklock Black Bean Productions The Great Way
1 x 90’ or 4 x 60’, 2020, HD
‘The Great Way’ takes us on a journey to the world´s greatest hiking routes, finding stories that reveal the reasons for the walking nature of the human being. A round-the-world trip through the people of the trails, that connects us with earth and takes us back to our roots. Alba and Raul get their backpacks ready as their journey takes them from Japan to Peru, passing through the United States and also making the Santiago Way.
    Director: Eduardo Rajabally
Directors: Alba Prol Cid and Raul Garcia
Tocha Filmes
Meteórica Cine
Feature Docs

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