P. 98

The Man In Love
The way that we love our bodies is shown in verse 27 of the same Ephesians 5,
That He might present her to Himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that she should be holy and without blemish.
Ephesians 5:27
Christ’s goal was to ensure that the church is Holy and without blemish or any fault. The love of husbands is to ensure that their wives are also Holy and without any fault. Each of us know the great lengths that we go to address any imperfections that we come to notice on our bodies. Even those who have reservations about their looks or any aspect of their bodies do not neglect such aspects when they discover abnormalities such as sickness or disease in them. We spare no expense, effort or time to ensure that our bodies are as faultless as we can possibly achieve.
This kind of focus and commitment that we give to our bodies is what God expects us to extend to our wives. We are expected to do everything possible to ensure that our wives live holy lives and have no fault, especially before God. This command implies that if we take care of our wives the way we take care of our bodies, they will ultimately become holy and without fault.

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