Page 10 - Lance Reddick Feature
P. 10
I never do (massive open world games
always seem to lose my attention
because the main story often loses its
urgency and I get bored and/or
distracted and never finish) and I’ve
been playing video games since
Colecovision. And his character Sylens
was one of my absolute favorites.
Adding such an intriguing and recurring
mystery element to the game that begs
you to play on to discover the secrets
one can only find in the ending
moments. Lance Reddick is an actor that
continues to create characters that
captivate us and if he is in a project it is
always an automatic draw to that
project. And that is the reason he is the
feature of this article. I know for a fact he
is going to be a face we will continue to
see on screen for decades to come. A
consummate professional and family
man. The level of integrity is respected
and celebrated and I’ve never heard of
him spoken of in any other way other
than with reverence and
On scenes that are inserted throughout the In this industry, it’s always refreshing to
game which at the time to my knowledge had see an actor who is brilliant to watch in
never been done before on that scale. And let’s action as well as observed as a pleasure
not forget his unforgettable performance in the to be around behind the scenes by all
2017 game of the year Horizon Zero Dawn which that work with them and know them
took PlayStation four to the next level in terms of personally. I only regret I wasn’t able to
what people felt it was capable of from the do a sit down with him in person as I’m
graphics to gameplay to just immersive massive writing from NYC these days. But make
story. Not to mention made this gamer right sure to keep up with all of Lance’s work
here finally play such an open world style game in the feature and to tune in to Bosch
from start to finish which is something which is currently running on Amazon
36 | TNE MAGAZINE | APR 2018