Page 8 - Lance Reddick Feature
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LANCE REDDICK                                                                                      COVER STORY

    B  Y     K  E  I  T  H     T  R  E  N  T
    Lance Reddick is one of my personal favorite actors in the game right now. Boasting a
    very impressive resume that features starring roles in three groundbreaking timeless

    television dramas from network tv to HBO as well as numerous appearances in film,
    on stage, even hit video game voice-overs and anime we have been fortunate to
    witness a lot of his amazing work over his illustrious career spanning more than the
    past two decades.

     However, there are some things that only                  While living in Boston and realizing that the
     the most avid fans may actually know about                resources he was using to cultivate his

     the thoroughly talented and impressive                    music career were insufficient and he was
     man behind all the beloved characters he’s                working three “day jobs” to try and really
     graced us with over the years. Acting was                 pay the bills which even led to a back injury.
     actually in fact not Lance’s first love.                  With his daughter now around one, he

     Growing up in Baltimore Maryland he                       thought about his current skill set and
     actually came up as an aspiring musician.                 thought of a new way to utilize it. Wanting
     He spent the majority of his youth studying               more for himself and his family he applied

     music and is a classically trained Pianist. He            to one of the most prestigious drama
     originally started college studying physics               programs in America Yale and actually got
     when he dropped out and began fully                       in. With the obvious skill and celebrated
     pursuing his career as a musician. However,               work ethic that has led to so many
     It was only after struggling as a musician                characters, we now know of so many years

     and trying to find a better way to support                later his story is a huge inspiration to all his
     his growing family that he turned to acting.              contemporaries and actors young and old

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