Page 11 - Course Outline
P. 11
Version September 7, 2020
Week 7: Research with Indigenous communities
October 19-25, 2020
*Submit Commentary essay. A double blind review process will be facilitated. Your feedback
on someone else’s assignment will be due November 2 .
Class Objectives:
1. To become familiar with key tenets and research protocols for studies conducted with
Indigenous people in Canada.
2. To appreciate how past research with Indigenous peoples has affected trust in researchers.
Required Readings:
1. Mosby, I. (2013). Administering Colonial Science: Nutrition Research and Human
Biomedical Experimentation in Aboriginal Communities and Residential Schools, 1942–
1952. Social history, 46(1), 145-172.
2. Swanson, L.A., Leader, J., & Landrie-Parker, D. (2016). Effectively engaging with Indigenous
Communities through multi-methods qualitative data collection and an engaged
communication plan. Engaged Scholar Journal, 2(1), 39-56.
3. Bull, J.R. (2010). Research with Aboriginal Peoples: Authentic Relationships as a Precursor to
Ethical Research. Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics, 5(4), 13-22.
4. Kovach, M. (2015). Emerging from the margins: Indigenous methodologies. In S. Strega &
L. Brown (Eds.), Research as Resistance, 2nd edition (pp. 43-64). Toronto: Canadian
Scholars Press.
Week 8: Housing & food security
October 26-November 1, 2020
Class Objectives:
1. To understand and critically examine current and pervasive challenges of housing and food
security in Northern, rural, and remote communities in Canada.
2. To become familiar with key documents, players, and initiatives involved in the issue of
housing and food security.
Required Readings:
1. Galloway, T. (2014). Is the Nutrition North Canada retail subsidy program meeting the goal
of making nutritious and perishable food more accessible and affordable in the North?
Canadian Journal of Public Health, 105(5), e395-397.
2. Minnes, S., & Vodden, K. (2017). The capacity gap: understanding impediments to
sustainable drinking water systems in rural Newfoundland and Labrador. Canadian Water
Resources Journal, 42(2), 163-178.
3. Wakefield, S., Fredrickson, K.R., & Brown, T. (2015). Food security and health in Canada:
Imaginaries exclusions and possibilities. The Canadian Geographer, 59(1), 82-92.
4. MacLeod, T., Worton, S.K., & Nelson, G. (2016). Bridging perspectives and balancing
priorities: new directions for housing policy in Canada. Canadian Journal of Community Mental
Health, 35(3), 55-68.