Page 9 - Course Outline
P. 9

Version September 7, 2020

               Week 3: Rural populations
               September 21-27, 2020

               Class Objectives:
                   1.  To examine the definitions of rural, northern, remote, indigenous, and circumpolar.
                   2.  To provide an overview of rural populations and their health status.

               Required Readings:
                   1.  Gracey, M., & King, M. (2009). Indigenous health part 1: determinants and disease patterns.
                      Lancet, 9683(374): 65-75.
                   2.  Bryant,  C.,  &  Joseph,  A.  E.  (2001).  Canada's  rural  population:  trends  in  space  and
                      implications in place. Canadian Geographer, 45(1), 132-137.
                   3.  Young,  K.,  &  Chatwood,  S.  (2015).  Comparing  the  health  of  Circumpolar  populations:
                      patterns, determinants, and systems. In B, Evengard., J.N. Larsen., & O. Paasche (Eds.), The
                      new Arctic (p. 203-211). London: Springer.
                   4.  Kulig,  J.,  Kilpatrick,  K.,  Moffitt,  P.,  &  Zimmer,  L.,  (2013).  Rural  and  Remote  Nursing
                      Practice: An Updated Documentary Analysis. Lethbridge: University of Lethbridge.

               Week 4: Health systems
               September 28-October 4, 2020

               Class Objectives:
                   1.  To  understand  the  history  of  health  system  development  in  rural  and  Aboriginal
                   2.  To  explore  trends  in  the  evolution  of  modern  health  systems  for  rural  and  northern

               Required Readings:
                   1.  Lawson, G.S., & Noseworthy, A.E. (2009). Newfoundland's Cottage Hospital System: 1920-
                      1970. Canadian Bulletin of Medical History, 2(26): 477-98.
                   2.  Grzybowski, S., & Kornelsen, J. (2013). Rural health services: finding the light at the end of
                      the tunnel. Healthcare Policy, 8(3), 10-16.
                   3.  Kornelsen, J., McCartney, K., &Williams, K. (2016). Satisfaction and sustainability: a realist
                      review of decentralized models of perinatal surgery for rural women. Rural and Remote Health,
                      16: 3749.
                   4.  NL  Medical  Association.  (2017).  Summary  Report:  Forum  to  determine  the  need  for  A
                      Review of Health Facilities and Services in Newfoundland and Labrador. St. John’s: NLMA.

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