Page 5 - Course Outline
P. 5
Version September 7, 2020
1. Do provincial ‘health line’ telephone services improve access to primary care for rural
2. Can we reduce medical travel costs for rural residents? Are there alternatives to the medical
travel subsidy program?
3. How can food security be improved in rural and remote communities?
4. How could we redesign rural communities to promote health and protect against climate
Step #1: Run your idea by your instructor by Sept. 28 .
Step #2: Submit abstract (200 words MAX) on your idea for a commentary essay by Oct. 5 (10%).
Step #3: Submit your commentary essay no later than Oct. 19 for blind review.
Step #4: Peer review two commentary essays by Nov 2 (10%).
Step #5: Submit final commentary essay by Dec. 4 (30%).
Participation (25%)
All required readings, audio/video clips, and other materials for each week are listed in D2L. At the
beginning of each week, I will post a discussion question. The discussion for the week will be closed
at the end of the day Sunday (you will be able to view it but will not edit it).
Participation will be based on weekly interaction with the question. The purpose of the questions is
to prompt conversation amongst the class. Weeks that require extra reading (news articles) or
viewing video clips will be weighted more than weeks based on just questions on assigned readings.