Page 10 - Tiramisu_ UK singole ridotto_con link
P. 10

A culinary love affair...

                                   Personal advantage –          together, they represent the superb food &
                                   that of increasing one's      wine traditions and cultures of this region.
                                   own amount of work –          And indeed, this is precisely why we are
                                   had to be in step with        directly involved in the story of the ancestry
                                   that of the general           of Tiramisu. It is what motivated us to write
                                   advantage in the terri-       this delicious farce, inhabited by the same
                  tory. A territory with which a serious, tangi-  spirit that animates and drives us. Austrian
                  ble link was (and remains) crucial, as a pri-  Composer Gustav Mahler (1860 -1911)
                  mary source of the added value of a given      wrote that "Tradition is the passing on of
                  place. In short, we invest our own time and    the fire, not the worship of the ashes". To
                  effort in order to promote the region as a     this, we would add that innovation is sim-
                  whole, in the belief that this is our true sha-  ply disobedience with a successful outcome.
                  red heritage. Twenty-two winemakers and        This was the case for what we  ... to this, we would
                  eighteen taste experts have subsequently       call today the classic Tiramisu  add that innovation
                  joined this project. Today, the Consortium is  which, we shall see, was the  is simply
                  a group of sixty companies and organisa-       result of an ingenious re-ima-  disobedience with
                  tions, all driven by the same spirit –         gining of simple ingredients.  a successful outcome.

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