Page 13 - Tiramisu_ UK singole ridotto_con link
P. 13

Grand Finale
 Al Gallo  Al Grop  Al Lido  Al Paradiso  Al Ponte

 All’Androna  Campiello

 TIRAMISU     Giulia  Via dei Sapori Consortium enter
 Carnia  Costantini  The 20 restaurants of the Friuli Venezia

 Del Friuli Venezia Giulia  the stage, along with their chefs, who
              have  created  a  number  of  different
              Tiramisu variations. Once these had been  The
 Da Nando  Da Toni  duly tasted, the issue of what these des-
              serts should be enjoyed with came to the fore.
              With wine? Impossible given the coffee, cocoa
              and mascarpone it contains. The Nonino distil-
              leries are also members of the Consortium, and
 Ilija  Là di Moret
              so the idea arose to trade one innovation for
              another, attempting to pair each dessert with
              one of their spirits. This is the route we took,
              with excellent results. Try it and see!
 La Primula  La Subida

 La Taverna  La Torre  Lokanda Devetak  Sale e Pepe  Vitello d’Oro
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