Page 16 - Tiramisu_ UK singole ridotto_con link
P. 16

The Grand Finale

     have gone on to win Nobel prizes – it has also demonstrated  combining a tradition that has become part of our history
     how to communicate the appeal of the territory in practical  with an ability to experiment with new products and to crea-
     terms. To date, no-one else in Friuli Venezia Giulia has done  te value for these in a perfect example of how to maintain our
     so much so well.                                                          identity over time".
     Nonino is a female-dominated company. However, patriarch    We called it a female-dominated company for good reason,
     and company boss Paron Benito has not let this phase him, on  and the tradition continues: Francesca, Cristina's eldest dau-
     the contrary, he has passed on the art of distilling to his dau-  ghter,  represents  the  seventh  generation  of  the  family.
     ghters Cristina, Antonella and Elisabetta. Their first project  Having graduated with a degree in Business Administration,
     was nothing short of a small masterpiece: successfully fer-  she then chose to spend some time overseas, in one of the
     menting and then distilling honey, from which Gioiello was  most challenging markets within which Nonino sells its pro-
     created.  They also introduced  Amaro Quintessentia to the  ducts: South Korea!
     world, not to mention their Amaro and Grappa Monovitigno,   Francesca  is  blessed  with  an  innate  elegance.  When  she
     and a wide selection of other cocktail spirits.             speaks, she gently moves her body with the harmony and
     The sisters have also taken responsibility for dealing with  poise of a ballerina, swaying to the rhythm of her own voice.
     the markets: the fact that more than 50% of the company's   Her smile and gaze draw you in as she tells the story of her
     turnover comes from 72 different countries is a tribute to  family, and of the philosophy which serves as the foundation
     them. Cristina deals primarily with the distillation and the  for Nonino products. She speaks without stumbling, in a
     commercial side of the business in Italy, managing relation-  delicate and musical voice, and doesn't botch a single joke.
     ships with customers with the help of Antonella. Antonella is  We watched for nearly half an hour as she effortlessly enter-
     responsible for the Nonino Prize, and is also in charge of  tained around thirty of her peers who are studying for a
     marketing, communications and relations with the press, as  Masters degree at the Univer- sity  ... so far,
     well as a number of foreign markets. Elisabetta manages the  of Udine aimed at future tourism  no-one else in
     majority of the overseas markets, and is in charge of the   managers.  Everyone,  the  writer  Friuli Venezia Giulia
     internal management of the business.                        included,  was  enchanted.  Quite  has done
     As their mother Giannola observes: "They have succeeded in  charming, that Francesca.     so much so well.

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