Page 27 - Destination Risk and Resilience Manual-Namibia
P. 27


            3.2.5  Expansion of human settlement               3.2.7  Understaffing of
                 and existence of illegal market for wildlife       the National Tourism Board
                                                               Namibia in general and the Erongo Region in particu-
            While poaching is a very serious problem that requires   lar, is an attractive destination with beautiful scenery
            urgent attention, much of the measures advocated   and a variety of wildlife. However, this destination is
            for do not address the root causes of this challenge,   inadequately marketed. This is because there is insuffi-
            presumably because the underlying drivers are scarce-  cient manpower and understaffing within the National
            ly understood. Information gathered in this study   Tourism Board to focus on destination branding, to
            showed that poaching is generally a result of the   deal with grading and quality issues in the industry,
            continued existence of the illegal markets for wildlife   and to creatively use the media to market the destina-
            products and the high value that is placed on these   tion to reach its full potential.
            products. As long as the illegal market continues to
            exist, poaching is likely to endure. To tackle poaching
            successfully, there is therefore a need to address the   3.2.8  Lack of certification and registration
            root cause and fight to stamp out the illegal markets   in the industry
            that exist in the various parts of the world. In addi-
            tion to the existence of the illegal market, some of the   Certification goes a long way in enhancing a desti-
            poaching is influenced by the encroachment of human   nation. One of the key challenges raised in the study
            settlements into areas previously reserved exclusively   was the non-recognition of qualified tour guides. This
            for wildlife. Given that some of the inhabitants are   affects the payments due to these guides as they are
            poor, poaching wildlife is also an attempt to supple-  generally paid less, even though they offer adequate
            ment their livelihoods. The solution, therefore, lies in   services to the visitors. The absence of certification of
            not only educating the communities on the value of   these tour guides by the industry is a risk to the image
            wildlife, but also making sure that the communities   of the destination. There is therefore a need to have
            also benefit from the wildlife. This will engender a   these guides officially certified to control the prolifer-
            sense of ownership in the community and thus pro-  ation of unqualified and incompetent guides who may
            tection for the animals.                           offer poor services resulting in visitor dissatisfaction
                                                               and a poor destination image. In extreme cases, uncer-
                                                               tified tour guides may also endanger the life of visitors.
            3.2.6  Lack of employee engagement

            A key issue raised during the interviews and work-  3.2.9  Greed and huge inequalities
            shops was the issue of poor customer service. Such      in the industry
            poor service resulted in a poor service experience for
            the tourists and a poor image for the destination. Ul-  It is indisputable that tourism is important in the
            timately this would lead to a decline in visitors to the   country and is also a major employer. The low pay in
            Erongo Region.  But, what are the issues underlying   the industry, however, makes it difficult to attract ed-
            this risk? The reasons are numerous: lack of skills to   ucated and young people to the sector. The driver of
            engage visitors; lack of guidelines on how to engage   this risk is greed by some of the industry players who
            visitors; insufficient understanding of the importance   do not want to pay their workers fair wages. It is likely
            of tourism to the country, poor remuneration and lack   that this trend will lead to an ageing workforce in the
            of engagement between employers and employees.     industry and those that are capable of revolutionising
            There is therefore a need to empower employees with   the sector technologically will also be kept away by the
            the proper skills of etiquette and to remunerate them   low remuneration.

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