Page 34 - Destination Risk and Resilience Manual-Namibia
P. 34
4.3 Barriers to destination resilience
Alongside enablers, policymakers responsible for de- lowing were considered, to a large extent, the top five
veloping and growing successful tourism destinations barriers to resilience: unprofessional customer service
face a large variety of change drivers in key tourism (71.4%); lack of security infrastructure and policies
source markets. Identifying barriers is vital if the tour- (69.4%); insufficient investment in the tourism sector
ism sector is to become more resilient against disrup- (67.3%); high tax on tourism products and services
tive events and prepare for long-term stability. In this (65.3%), and lack of proper amenities (63.3%).
study, we explored 17 indicators that were presented
to respondents to indicate to what extent they are bar-
riers to tourism. Figure 10 shows the results. The fol-
Figure 10: Barriers to tourism resilience
Unprofessional customer service
Lack of security infrastructure and policies
Insuf cient investment in the tourism sector
High tax on tourism product and service
Lack of proper amenities
Shortage of trained local guide
A limited number of experts
Lack of policies and promotion of old rural …
Insuf cient advertisement of tourism …
Lack of axxess to infratructure and connectivity
Lack of effective coordination among …
Lack of strategic planning for promotion of rural …
Lack of accessible and single window VISA system
Lack of support to innovation at the community
Lack of a local brand of entertainment
Lack of suitabel and suf cient accommodation
Lack of communication ability in other than …
0 20 40 60 80 100
■ large extent ■ less extent ■ moderate extent