Page 10 - Professorial Lecture - Prof Nengomasha
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(International Standard Organisation (ISO), 2016); DoD 5015.02-STD Electronic
Records Management Software Applications Design Criteria Standard (U. S. A.,
Department of Defence (DoD), 2007); ISO 14721:2012 Space data and information
transfer systems - Open archival information system (OAIS) - Reference model
(ISO, 2012); and MoReq2010. 1.1 Modular Requirements for Records Systems
(DLM Forum Foundation, 2010). Amongst the notable theories and models are
the records life cycle theory, records continuum theory and digital preservation
maturity models. As the ensuing discussion shows, the public service of Namibia
seem not to have adopted or adequately applied the standards and theories
to revolutionise the legal and regulatory framework necessary for the changes
required of records and archives management in line with digital transformation.
3. Records and Archives Management Programme
A records management programme are the activities, policies, and procedures
to implement records management (Society of American Archivists, n. d.). The
activities include records surveys; records classification; retention and disposal;
and digital preservation. An archives management programme are the activities
undertaken to ensure permanent preservation and accessibility to records with
historical and evidential value. The programme’s activities include records
appraisal, acquisition, accessioning, arrangement and description, preservation,
authentication, and providing access to permanently valuable records. It
is part of the overall archives administration which includes establishing the
programme’s mission and goals, securing necessary resources to support those
activities, and evaluating the programme’s performance (Society of American
Archivists, n. d). The success of these activities depends on adequate financial
and human resources which include trained personnel whose skills should be
constantly upgraded in line with new developments. Compliance with legal
and regulatory framework is crucial for archives administration and records
management programme to avoid sanctions amongst many other reasons.
The annual reports of 2019-2020 and 2021-22 (Namibia Library and Archives
Services, [2020]; [2021]) of the National Archives of Namibia (NAN) which is
mandated to provide a records management programme to the public service,
report on the same records management programme activities reported by
Taylor (1994), which are compilation and approval of filing systems; issuance
of disposal guidelines or authorities; office inspection; transfer of archives; and
training of officials in records management. The programme seems not to
have transformed with the changing digital environment. The public service of
Prof. Cathrine Nengomasha | Professorial Lecture 10