Page 4 - TST Brochure Joshua Ashwood 216002410
P. 4

The Ideal Educator

               The Ideal teacher at Randpark High should centrally focus around

               preparing learners for the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Teaching Methods

               should embrace 21  century skills, namely Critical Thinking, Problem
               Solving, Collaboration, Communication, and Critical Thinking. Methods in

               which learners discover the knowledge on their own, such as

               investigations or mediated learning, should be embraced with the use of

               technological assets available to the school. These methods will create a
               learner who can solve problems, which is extremely vital in the Fourth

               Industrial Revolution. These 21  century skills are vital, to prepare our
               learners for the future, as many learners will find themselves in jobs that

               haven’t been created yet.

               The ideal teacher must also be involved in the school’s extra mural

               activities, to ensure that a holistic educational experience is had by all

               learners, teaching them social skills and skills to help deal with life in the


               The Ideal Teacher also needs to be a role model for their learners, and

               should encourage strong collaboration and communication between all in

               the classroom and beyond.  This shows the aspects that an Ideal teacher

               would need to have while working within Randpark High.
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