Page 76 - NEWEST MILK (TRANSLATION) - New chapters included - word. (1)-konverteret_Specific
P. 76
slightly absent, as she’s turning his back to him, trying to find the photo album.
Tom continues. "I was out talking to Johan's biological mother yesterday.”
“Oh yeah?” she answers, again slightly distant. She holds a large brown
leather photo album in front of her with both hands, and begins to read what is
written on the cover of it. “Photo Album of Beatrice & Johan”.
She slits back into her leather chair again and says. “I didn’t know his biological
mother was still alive. I thought she had died a long time ago. I knew his sweet
adoptive parents though. They were very close to each other.”
Tom nods and says. "I think everyone had come to terms with and consid-
ered his adoptive parents as his real parents, and so far it is also completely sub-
ordinate to the case. The real problem here is that we have been sloppy with the
police work in terms of clarification.
”Yeah, I know. Who is Johan's biological mother then? It something a
spouse - or ex-spouse - should know. Haha.“ She laughs.
Tom answers in a more serious manner. “Let me tell you. Inge-Lise is her
name. She’s well into her nineties now. She was engaged to Dieter Kräsen for a
number of years ago, and at a time during their engagement, she became preg-
nant. She lived with Dieter in Hamburg. And Dieter Kräsen, who worked for his
father, who started the Kräsen company, has been responsible for setting up new
branches of company. Due to growing demand on dairy products in Germany and
internationally, he was taking care of the exports. All boiled down it means that
he, even though being an illegitimate son, is heir to kingdom of Kräsen. Dieter
managed, just after World War II ended, to get Kräsen’s agriculture and dairy
business up in the super-league. First as Germany's largest, then as one of the
world's largest dairies - Top 5.”
She looks at him with big eyes, eagerly listening.
“All this could be done because his father Walther Stormann, who had
been handed over vast land areas in his possession by the Nazis. Mainly around
Munich but also a number of other places in Germany.
Beatrice interjects, surprised. “Did you say the Nazis? They cooperated
with the Nazis?”
Tom answers briefly. “Yes. And in very large scale.”
Beatrice shakes her head. “And Johan, where does he fit in all this?"