Page 94 - NEWEST MILK (TRANSLATION) - New chapters included - word. (1)-konverteret_Specific
P. 94
currently receiving Crisis-Treatment from Psychs. Somehow he has never really
understood what Helle’s job entailed, the risk that was associated with it. Sad.”
"Yes, unfortunately it is often that I hear about this kind of situation.
When an accident happens, the relatives doesn’t understand it at all.”
"Well, I've seen what I was supposed to see. Let's go to Sweden. You can
start explaining to me in more detail about the guy we are hunting. Bjørn has
only briefly indicated that, it is someone who is apparently related to you?”
Olina nods and says: “That's correct - unfortunately. I wish it wasn’t so.
He’s my brother, well my half-brother. Janokovic Tomick. I’ve never had any
contact with him. He's from a marriage my father had before he met my mother.
My brother's plan was to have him expedited back to Croatia where he originally
comes from, his roots. He was supposed to contact David my brother or me, if he
wanted to, but he never did.”
Karin nods understandingly. "Well, well, it must be stressful for you to
know that you have him around.”
“Yes, but as I said, I have never seen or met Janokovic, so it hasn’t been
straight in my face. My brother, who is the head of department in the Croatian
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, really wanted to get hold of him and get him back to
Croatia, where the plan was to put him in a place where it is impossible for him
to commit another crime, to take him out of the game so to speak.”
Karin nods interested.
“Thing that was supposed to make it attractive to Jano was that my
brother would take care of his necessities and provide him with a place to live
and so on. Upon trying to reach this agreement, he gave Janokovic his phone
number as well as mine. Now, the fool choose to do the exact opposite and has so
far been the indirect cause of three people's death as well as disabling his sister -
Karin shakes her head and adds. "You do not need to explain any further,
he must be stopped at all cost. You say, you might know where he is hiding?"
Olina answers. “Yes, he runs around with the same cell phone, that is
heavily tapped. Our people have been eavesdropping on him for a long time now.
I have his exact position, along with the direct access to his phone and computer.