Page 19 - Omega Benefits Guide
P. 19

Group Term Life/AD&D

                       Group Term Life/AD&D provided by Sun Life
                     100% Paid by Omega Construction.
                     Coverage equal to $15,000 for all eligible full-time employees.

                     Group Term Life reduces as you age with the first reduction at age 65 to
                       65% and at age 70 to 50% of the original benefit amount.
                     Includes Accelerated Death Benefit of 75% to a maximum of $500,000 to
                       be paid if diagnosed as terminally ill (expected to result in death in less than
                       12 months).
                     Includes Conversion—coverage may be converted to an individual policy
                       when coverage terminates or reduces. Should you leave Omega

                       Construction, you can continue to pay for and maintain this benefit by
                       calling 1-800-786-5433.
                     Includes Portability – Allows an insured employee to take their group Life
                       insurance with them or continue with Life insurance under the group when
                       coverage ends for reasons other than sickness, injury, retirement, or
                       termination of employer’s plan.

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