Page 69 - Investing in Praetura Group - Christopher Carter
P. 69

             Praetura Group Cap Table

            Assuming £20m raise in total and that you roll through entire stake in PAF / PCF

                                Founder,   Founder,   Funding        Mgt, Sweet                    Investor,
                                  Sweet    Rolled   Growth  Mgt, Sweet  (GLBL) Mgt, Growth Investor, New  Rolled
                                A1 Shares  A2 Shares  A3 Shares  B1 Shares  B2 Shares  B3 Shares  C1 Shares  C2 Shares  Shares #  %  New Money Rolled Value  Total Value

  Mike Fletcher                       107,880          142,156               1,705                   -                    -                    -                    -                    -           251,741  21.3%                    -      10,031,623     10,031,623
  David Foreman                          58,895          116,151             17,822                   -                    -                    -                    -                    -           192,868  16.3%                    -        8,196,382       8,196,382
  Peadar O'Reilly                        58,895          116,151             17,822                   -                    -                    -                    -                    -           192,868  16.3%                    -        8,196,382       8,196,382
                                      225,670          374,458             37,349                   -                    -                    -                    -                    -           637,477  54.00%                    -      26,424,387     26,424,387
  Senior Management
  Danny Summers                                -              23,657                   -                    -                    -                    -                    -                    -              23,657  2.0%                    -        1,669,238       1,669,238
  Ben Hatton                                   -                    -                    -                5,000                   -                7,500                   -                    -              12,500  1.1%                    -                   125                  125
  Scott Hooton                                 -                    -                    -                    -                5,000               5,000                   -                    -              10,000  0.8%                    -                   100                  100
  Rob Memmott                                  -                    -                    -              10,000                   -              20,000             35,431                   -              65,431  5.5%        2,500,011                  300       2,500,311
  Jon Prescott                                 -                    -                    -                    -                5,000               5,000                   -                    -              10,000  0.8%                    -                   100                  100
  Mark Lyons                                   -                    -                    -                    -                    -                5,000                   -                    -                5,000  0.4%                    -                     50                    50
  Paul Bond                                    -                    -                    -                    -                    -                2,349                   -                    -                2,349  0.2%                    -                     23                    23
  Guy Weaver                                   -                    -                    -                    -                    -                5,000                   -                    -                5,000  0.4%                    -                     50                    50
                                               -              23,657                   -              15,000             10,000             49,849             35,431                   -           133,937  11.35%        2,500,011       1,669,986       4,169,998
  Darren Carter                                -                    -                    -                    -                    -                    -           163,974             79,046          243,020  20.6%      11,570,005       5,577,486     17,147,491
  Chris Carter                                 -                    -                    -                    -                    -                    -                    -                8,886               8,886  0.8%                    -           626,996          626,996
  Other Investors (Rollthrough)                    -                    -                    -                    -                    -                    -              13,180             73,133             86,313  7.3%           929,981       5,160,264       6,090,245
  Additional Investors ('New Money')                    -                    -                    -                    -                    -                    -              70,861                   -              70,861  6.0%        4,999,952                   -        4,999,952
                                               -                    -                    -                    -                    -                    -           248,015          161,065          409,080  34.7%      17,499,938     11,364,746     28,864,685
                                      225,670          398,115             37,349             15,000             10,000             49,849          283,446          161,065       1,180,494  100%      19,999,950     39,459,119     59,459,069
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