Page 19 - Praetura Group - April 2019
P. 19
3 • Low Defaults and High Recoveries
Achieved by focusing on asset security and taking a proactive approach to risk
Asset Security Proactive Risk Management
PAF focuses on principally on the asset PAF has clear security over assets and has an
strength in the underwriting process. avenue to recovery on underlying assets.
PAF’s experienced underwriting team seeks There is an agile recoveries process allowing
additional securities through corporate or the business to proactively manage default
personal guarantees to ensure robust very early.
collateral coverage.
Invoice discounting is the core of all PCF PCF is always able to appoint an
facilities, as the asset represents (other than administrator of choice in order to help the
cash) the strongest collateral on a company’s process of cash recovery in the event that a
PCF balance sheet. client ceases to trade.
The strength of this collateral is therefore the Further, PCF control the inflow of cash from
focus of investment decision making. the client’s ledger, allowing the company to
pro-actively manage down its own exposure
on the primary asset