Page 21 - Praetura Group - April 2019
P. 21

             5 • Valuable Banking Relationships

            Pre-Securitisation                              £40m Facility Pre-Trading                      Mezzanine Growth Capital

            Praetura were able to receive £13m              Before PCF began                               Praetura agreed to a £5m
            of block loan funding in year one               trading Praetura agreed a £40m back-           mezzanine funding line with British
            of trading for PAF.                             to-back wholesale facility with RBSIF.         Business Bank within 3 years of trading
                                                                                                           with PAF, the first such facility from
            Within 18 months the business had               Within 2 years RBSIF have                      BBB.
            a credit approved £20m RCF with RBS.            already demonstrated an appetite to
                                                            increase this facility to £50m on a            This was replaced with an initial
            Within 5 years the business has a               standalone basis.                              £10m mezzanine funding line from
            credit approved pre-securitisation                                                             RM Capital, which has since grown
            conduit facility starting at £75m. The          Furthermore, RBSIF have also                   to £14m.
            conduit has an accordion feature which          shown appetite to participate in a
            allows the facility to grow to £300m.           larger syndicated facility between £80 -       Within 2 years of trading PCF have
                                                            £100m over the next 18 months.                 a credit approved offer for a
                                                                                                           £10m mezzanine funding facility from
                                                                                                           RM Capital also.
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