Page 23 - Praetura Group - April 2019
P. 23

             Growth Strategy •

       1    Network Expansion                         2     Organic Growth                            3    Adjacent Markets

            PAF have, through acquisition,                  The existing businesses are well               Our track record of raising finance for
            expanded the product range and scale            positioned to drive further growth             start ups and providing the support for
            of the business. Another team will also         through the senior debt facilities and         our previous investments demonstrates
            join in Q1 2019 accessing untapped              equity / mezzanine lines of funding            our ability to repeat this process in new
            sectors.                                        available.                                     complementary markets.

            The future plans include the acquisition        Across the Debt Companies there is a           All Praetura Debt businesses will be
            or hiring of established teams to join          strong focus on leveraging the wider           based on the same, proven, model:
            PAF. The existing reputation of the             Praetura brand in the market and
            business, access to finance and                 growing the levels of lending.                 • External finance
            excellent infrastructure is an attractive                                                      • Proven teams in proven markets
            proposition for senior teams.                   The wider proposition provided by the          • Best in class infrastructure
                                                            existing debt companies coupled with
            Similarly, acquisitions to open up new          Praetura’s ability to provide equity /         Initial additional markets likely to
            geographies will be contemplated for            junior debt options offers a compelling        include bridge and trade finance.
            PCF and, further, the Group may seek            solution within the UK SME market.
            to acquire businesses within the Debt
            division that operate in separate
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