Page 57 - Praetura EIS 2019 Fund Information Memorandum
P. 57

Investment Committee

                    Permanent Investment Committee Members (PICM)                        At Praetura, the Investment Committee has a wealth of venture
                                                                                         investment experience, and will challenge the transaction team
                      •   Mike Fletcher
                                                                                         on the Investment Proposal, risk areas, transaction structure and
                      •   David Foreman                                                  proposed diligence streams in the committee meeting.
                      •   Peadar O’Reilly
                                                                                         Investment Committee members are independent, and not part
                    Invitee Investment Committee Members (IICM )                         of the investment opportunity team for the deal in question .  A
                                                                                         Chairman is appointed from the PICM for each Committee.
                      •   Jonathan Brown (NED)
                      •   Darren Carter (NED)                                            Decisions and Minutes
                      •   David Moore (NED)                                              All Investment Proposals and Investment Committee minutes are
                                                                                         made available to everyone at Praetura, so that the entire team can
                      •   Any Praetura Ventures Operational Board Member
                                                                                         understand Investment Committee decisions and their rationale.

                                                                                         These minutes are also available to Investors, on request.
                    Investment Committee must include two
                    Permanent Investment Committee Members
                    and have a minimum of three Members in total
                    for decisions to be made.

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