Page 62 - Praetura EIS 2019 Fund Information Memorandum
P. 62

Praetura will ensure all investments made within
                                                                                                     the Fund are suitable for EIS qualification

                                                                   The same
                                                                investment offers                    To qualify under the EIS rules, a company must meet various criteria, the
                                                               62% better return                     main ones are as follows:
                                                               with EIS tax reliefs                   •     is established in the UK;
                                                                  than without
            Qualification & Benefits                                                                  •     isn’t trading on a recognised stock exchange at the time of the share
                                                                                                          issue and doesn’t plan to do so (also known as an unquoted company);
                                                                                                      •     doesn’t control another company other than qualifying subsidiaries;
                                        Initial Investment
                                                                                                      •     isn’t controlled by another company or doesn’t have more than 50% of
                                                                                                          its shares owned by another company;
                                           Invest with EIS Relief  Invest without EIS Relief
                                                                                                      •     must not have gross assets worth more than £15 million before any
                 Total Investment               £100,000                  £100,000                        shares are issued and not more than £16 million immediately afterwards;
               Less: Income Tax Relief          (£30,000)                    £-                       •     has fewer than 250 full-time equivalent employees at the time the shares
                                                                                                          are issued;
              Net Cost of Investment             £70,000                  £100,000
                                                                                                      •     must carry out a qualifying trade. Trades that are excluded include coal
                                                                                                          or steel production, farming, leasing activities, legal or financial services,
                     Investment Returns (assuming company doubles in value)                               property development, running a hotel or nursing home, generation of
                                                                                                          electricity, heat, gas or fuel;

                                           Invest with EIS Relief  Invest without EIS Relief          •     can’t raise more than £5 million in total in any 12-month period unless
                                                                                                          the company qualifies as a Knowledge Intensive Company in which case
                  Sale of Shares                £200,000                  £200,000
                                                                                                          the annual limit increases to £10 million.
            Less: Net Cost of Investment        (£70,000)                (£100,000)
                                                                                                     HMRC have introduced new rules to prevent certain types of investment
                 Total Gain / (Loss)            £130,000                  £100,000
                                                                                                     from qualifying for EIS, known as the “Risk to Capital” conditions. The new
                 Capital Gains Tax                 £-*                    (£20,000)                  rules ensure that EIS relief remains available to companies whose objectives
                                                                                                     are to grow and develop over the long-term, however they look to deny
                  Net Gain / Loss               £130,000                  £80,000
                                                                                                     relief for investments where there is not a real risk that there could be a loss
           Percentage Gain on Net Cost           186%                       80%                      of capital to the investor

         *  No capital gains as long as shares held for 3 years
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