Page 72 - Praetura EIS 2019 Fund Information Memorandum
P. 72

Risk Factors

               Projections are inherently uncertain and subject to factors beyond the control of   EIS qualifying
               the Manager and the Investee Company in question. The inaccuracy of certain   The availability of various EIS tax reliefs are dependent on Investors’ own
               assumptions, the failure to satisfy certain financial requirements and the occurrence   circumstances and anyone that is unsure as to whether they will be able to take
               of unforeseen events could impair the ability of Praetura Ventures to realise projected   advantage of any such reliefs should seek tax or financial advice before investing. In
               values and/or cashflow in respect of an investment. Therefore, there can be no   addition, there are circumstances in which an Investor could cease to qualify for the
               assurance that the projected results will be obtained and actual results may vary   taxation advantages offered by the EIS following investment. For example, Capital
               significantly from the projections. General economic and industry-specific conditions,   Gains Deferral Relief for EIS could be lost if an Investor ceases to be resident or
               which are not predictable, can also have an adverse impact on the reliability of   ordinarily resident in the United Kingdom during the Three Year EIS Period. In
               projections.                                                              addition, an Investor could cease to qualify for EIS Relief in respect of an Investee
                                                                                         Company if they receive value from that Investee Company during the period
               Praetura Ventures may, in relation to certain transactions, give warranties, guarantees   beginning one year before the Shares in the Investee Companies are issued and
               and/or indemnities to third parties. Consequently, it may need to apply assets of the   ending on the conclusion of the Three Year EIS Period. Payment of a dividend, at a
               relevant fund or drawdown additional monies from investors in the relevant fund to   commercial rate, however, would not typically be regarded as a receipt of value. EIS
               satisfy such contingent liabilities.                                      Relief could also be denied or lost in respect of an Investee Company if the investor
                                                                                         or an associate (such as a close relative) is or becomes employed by that Investee
               Fund Manager                                                              Company, or was so employed in the two years preceding the investment.
               The departure of any of the Fund Managers, directors, employees or associates could
               have a material adverse effect on the performance of the Fund. Whilst the Manager   EIS qualifying status of investee companies
               has entered into appropriate agreements, the retention of their services cannot be   If an investee company ceases to carry on business of the type prescribed for
               guaranteed. The Fund Managers success is also highly dependent on its continuing   EIS Qualifying Companies during the Three Year EIS Period, this could prejudice
               ability to identify, hire, train motivate and retain highly qualified personnel. Competition   its qualifying status under the EIS. There are other events and matters whereby
               for such personnel can be intense and we cannot give any assurance that it will be able   an investee company may lose its qualifying status. The situation will be closely
               to attract or retain highly-qualified personnel in the future.            monitored with a view to preserving the Investee Company’s qualifying status, but
                                                                                         this cannot be guaranteed. A failure to meet the qualifying requirements for EIS
               The success of the Fund depends on the ability of the Manager to locate, select,   could result in:
               develop and ultimately realise appropriate investments.
                                                                                           •     Investors being required to repay the 30% (EIS) income tax relief
                                                                                               received on subscription for Shares and interest on the same
               There is no guarantee that suitable investments will be or can be acquired or that
               investments will be successful.                                             •     A liability to CGT if the Shares are sold and a gain is realised
                                                                                           •     Any gain deferred by Capital Gains Deferral coming back into the
               The Fund Managers team may be unable to find a sufficient number of attractive
                                                                                               charge to tax
               investment opportunities to meet the Fund’s investment objectives.
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