Page 19 - HaMizrachi Chanukah 5784 North America
P. 19

Mizrachi Canada arranged for a women’s global tefillah
                and challah bake, held in Efrat and streamed live   Mizrachi Netherlands organized a tefillah in Amsterdam,
                            around the world.                      davening for the success of the IDF and return of our

                                                                    Rabbi Jerry Isenberg from Religious Zionists of Chicago
                Mizrachi-JLIC students volunteering on a farm
                          in the south of Israel.
                                                                  together with a Mizrachi mission, dancing with IDF soldiers.

              Gael Grunewald, Mizrachi’s representative as head of the
              Education Department of the World Zionist Organization,
             on a speaking tour in France, telling the story of the war and   Mizrachi Canada arranged for 50 families whose father/
                        galvanizing support for Israel.            husband are in the army to receive food for Shabbat.

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