Page 24 - HaMizrachi Chanukah 5784 North America
P. 24


     VIEWS                                 Rabbi Tzvi                            Orit

                                           Wohlgelernter                         Samuels

                                                    hen Rav Meir Shapiro started the   moment that has given me inspiration
                                                    daf yomi, he had a dream. Con-     during these challenging times (I
                                                    ceptually it is very simple – all the   have many in mind) is from last week,
                                                    Jewish people united in learning   when  I  was  helping  with  Mizrachi’s
                                           Wthe same daf everyday no matter      Aglobal women’s Unity, Song, Tefillah
     We asked five                         what. The success of daf yomi has proven itself   and Hafrashat Challah event in Efrat. A lot of
                                           many times, however personally I never fully
                                                                                 preparation comes with these sorts of events
     accomplished                          appreciated it until now.             that sometimes you don’t enjoy the moment.
                                                                                 It’s like your own event and you want everything
                                              Amidst all the chaos of war in our base in the
                                           south I had the great privilege of making a siyum   to turn out just right.
     Jews from                             on Masechet Kiddushin (and Seder Nashim) with   on me, I stood on the stage and the producer
                                                                                    As the lights turned on, cameras were all
                                           a sponsored BBQ seudat mitzvah for over 100
     around the                            soldiers. The joy of celebration of Torah cast a   gave me a thumbs-up that the event is now live
                                           great light in the darkness we find ourselves in.
                                                                                 streaming. There were over 400 women from
                                           It was particularly inspirational that we finished   around the globe and close to 400 women who
     world:                                a Masechet which is all about a Jewish couple   came in person.
                                           choosing to build a home together and continue
                                                                                    I stood there in awe, almost in tears as one
                                           the chain of the Jewish people.       who put so much energy in a single initiative,
     In these                              diers on our base in a simple, yet moving chup-  finally saw all the pieces come together, it was
                                              This siyum followed the wedding of two sol-
                                                                                 a moment of gratitude. I looked around and
     challenging                           pah. This event imbued in us an even greater   saw the amount of women that came together
                                           appreciation of Am Yisrael and Torat Yisrael. The
                                                                                 from all walks of life and all parts of the world
                                           spirit of the Jewish people is rock hard. Need-  ד ָח ֶאֶ ב ֵלֵ ְבְּ ד ָח ֶאֶ שׁי ִאֶ ְכְּ.
     times, what is                        less to say once the copies of Bava Kama came   I felt the need to say a וּנ ָי ֱח ֶה ֶשׁ and so I did.
                                           out they were quickly snatched up by soldiers
                                           hungry for more Torah.                   During these challenging times, when a
     one moment                                                                  single day that goes by feels like a year, when
                                                                                 at nights it is hard to sleep and breathe, when
                                                                                 we worry about our soldiers, those murdered,
     that has                                                                    wounded and of course all of our brothers and
                                                                                 sisters taken hostage, it is moments like this
     given you                                                                   that inspire and give us hope. It is the sense
                                                                                 of unity that will keep us together and give us
     inspiration?                                                                ה ָר ָצָּ ַבְּ ,ה ָר ָצָּ ַבְּ םי ִנוּת ְנְּ ַה לֵ ֵאֶ ָר ְשְִׂי תי ֵבְּ לֵ ָכְּ וּני ֵח ַאֶ"
                                                                                                            "…ה ָיָּ ִב ְשׁ ַבוּ
                                                                                 Orit Samuels lives in Efrat, having made Aliyah
                                           Rabbi Tzvi Wohlgelernter works for Mizrachi-JLIC at   from LA in 1994. She is the program director for
                                           Givat Shmuel. He is currently serving as a reservist   Yachad at Camp Ennismore, and is Israel Project
                                           on an IDF base in the south of Israel.   Manager on behalf of Mizrachi Canada.

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