Page 25 - HaMizrachi Chanukah 5784 North America
P. 25

Rabbi Bentzi                          Noa                                   Ari
     Mann                                  Lewis                                 Bar-Shain

        n many past wars, I have found myself on the   take a lot of inspiration from the words at the   am currently serving down South in an area
        giving side – writing letters and sending care   beginning of shacharit:   that was heavily attacked on Shabbat over a
                                                                                   month ago. The beit knesset where I am was
        packages to soldiers. I sometimes wondered  I    ה ֵשְׂ ֲעֲ ת ַוַ ְצְ ִמִ י ִמִ ְצְ ַעֲ לֵ ַעֲ לֵ ֵבְּ ַקַ ְמִ י ִנ ֵר ֲה  I
        to myself: “Do these really go anywhere and         .ךָוֹמִ ָכְּ ךָ ֲעֲ ֵר ְלֵ  ָתָּ ְב ַה ָאֶ ְוַ לֵ ֶשׁ  sprayed with bullets during the massacre.
     Imake any difference?”                                                           There is one sefer on the shelves that
                                              Every day, again and again, it gives me a
        This war, I find myself on the receiving side,                           was pierced by a bullet, and the bullet ripped
     and I see just how much they do matter! Work-  goal for the day, inspiration for the day. What   through the spine until it stopped on a page
     ing in my role in the army is emotionally very   does Hashem want from me – when I am scared,   in the middle of the sefer. Upon opening the
     taxing, and letters and chizuk really means a   worried about soldiers, when I am with people   book, Likutei Moharan, to that very page (בפר),
     tremendous amount.                    who are staying in hotels instead of their homes?   it seemed like Hashem was trying to send Am
        Sometimes the gifts are really perfect. Last   It always comes back: Hashem wants us to   Yisrael a pertinent message.
     week when I returned home I took out my guitar   love our fellow person. When we love Am Yisrael,   The text reads: “Know that you must judge
     to play a little, and my three-year-old son Lavi   it is an expression of our love from Hashem, and   everyone favorably, even if they are evil, you
     broke my guitar pick. The next day, I was show-  brings us closer to the geulah.  must find within them something good.” (trans-
     ing a group around our base, showing the avodat                             lated from Hebrew)
     haKodesh that we do, and at the end one of the                                 Before the war, our nation was torn apart
     group came over to give me some tokens of                                   internally. Political and social differences caused
     appreciation – including a new guitar pick!
                                                                                 much animosity and there was name-calling.
                                                                                 With the start of the war, however, it completely
                                                                                 disappeared. The achdut has been tremendous.
                                                                                    From a group of Charedim in Meah Shearim
                                                                                 bringing dozens of pairs of tzitzit to base, to
                                                                                 secular Jews in Tel Aviv inviting rabbis to their
                                                                                 homes to kasher their kitchens in order to cook
                                                                                 kosher food for soldiers, to a Druze family driving
                                                                                 hours to visit us and give us care packages, we
                                                                                 feel like all of Israel is in this together. We put our
                                                                                 differences aside, recognize that everyone has
                                                                                 good inside them, and together, with Hashem’s
                                                                                 help, will win this war and return to a world of
                                                                                 peace and unity.

                                                                                 Ari Bar-Shain is a Platoon Commander in the IDF,
     Rabbi Bentzi Mann is the director of Mizrachi’s                             currently serving in the south of Israel. He is a
     Schools Department. He serves in the IDF, in the                            current participant in the Mizrachi Musmachim
     unit of the Rabbanut that identifies and prepares   Noa Lewis is the CEO of ECHAD, and director of   program, and an alumnus of Mizrachi’s Shalhevet
     the deceased for burial.              OLAH, a program for Jewish women in Europe.  program.

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