Page 26 - HaMizrachi Chanukah 5784 North America
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                                    Stronger United

                                        Rising Together:

                      A Journey of Hope and Healing

                         with Rabbi Yosef Zvi Rimon’s Sulamot and La’Ofek Organizations,
                                           Guided by CEO Rabbi Eli Taragin

                          Since the war began, Rabbi Yosef Zvi Rimon, founder of nonprofits ‘Sulamot’ and ‘La’Ofek,’ and CEO Rabbi
                          Eli Taragin, have been beacons of hope amidst a nation’s challenges. They are lighting the way at a time of
                          immense challenges for our nation, impacting the narrative of this unprecedented war, offering hope to IDF
                          soldiers on Israel’s frontline, their families, and the displaced communities who have lost almost everything.
                          Their story, a tapestry woven by thousands of global partners, is one of positive changes for Am Yisrael in this
                          time of adversity.

        Rabbi Eli, please share the story  behind  the mobilization  of   Amidst the chaos and devastation, please share an uplifting
        Sulamot and La’Ofek immediately after Simchat Torah?  moment for Sulamot and La’Ofek.
        Rabbi Eli Taragin: As soon as Simchat Torah ended, Rav Rimon and I   One powerful moment that most resonates, and I know will stay with me,
        said we had to activate what we term in Hebrew as “יִחִָרְָזְֶאֶ 8 וַצַ” – civilians   was when we successfully provided over 5,000 ceramic bullet-proof vests
        enlisting themselves to support the war effort. Halachic questions to Rav   to soldiers across the country, in collaboration with the IDF. The journey
        Rimon were already pouring in on Simchat Torah itself, and our staff was   to secure these life-saving vests was a testament to the collective spirit
        being inundated with calls from soldiers and family members reporting   of our community and the urgency of Am Yisrael all around the world to
        the inadequate supply of essential protective equipment. Even though   assist their brothers and sisters in uniform.
        we immediately understood that this war was unlike any other, we also
        knew the drill from past emergency situations. An emergency relief fund   Thousands  of people  rallied to  donate  millions  of dollars  in  order to
        for SOS  needs  was  immediately established, funds  that would  be the   protect  the  lives of our IDF  soldiers. We worked around  the clock  to
        difference between life and death. But in the same breath we also knew   overcome  logistical and bureaucratic hurdles,  in order to procure the
        that we needed to already plan for “the day after” and we knew that we   vests and deliver  them  to the soldiers  quickly. When  the shipment of
        could count on the greater Jewish community to make it happen.   vests finally arrived, on  Erev Shabbat, it  was an emotional milestone
                                                              for everyone involved. Witnessing the tangible impact of our collective
                                                              efforts brought a sense of accomplishment and great relief and became
        What  are the main focuses of your organization’s  operation   a reminder that, even in challenging times, unity and shared purpose can
        during these critical times?                          achieve remarkable outcomes.

        Recognizing significant shortages in equipment at the beginning of the
        conflict due to an unprecedented number of reservists, we established a
        comprehensive logistics center. This center efficiently processed requests
        from hundreds of units in the field, addressing needs ranging from winter
        gear to tactical equipment.

        We  provided  vital  equipment to over 35,000  soldiers  within  the  first
        month of fighting. The response has been overwhelming, with soldiers
        expressing gratitude not just for the equipment but for the profound
        sense of support they feel from Jews worldwide. One commander sent me
        a message, “your equipment is filled with ruach – the spirit of the Jewish
        people – and that’s what keeps us strong.”
        Understandably, our focus is two-fold, aiding the soldiers through our
        “Emergency Relief Campaign” and supporting affected communities
        through our “Atufim” program.

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