Page 20 - HaMizrachi Chanukah 5784 North America
P. 20

A Gift of Hundreds and

                        Hundreds of Years

                                       Rabbi Shlomo Weitzen

                  On the morning of the attack, a critical line of defense against Hamas were the ‘kitot konenut’,
                 the local security teams, in each of the many kibbutzim. In Kerem Shalom, a mixed religious and
                secular kibbutz, the 200 residents were saved by the brave actions of their kitat konenut. Tragically,
                    two members of the team were killed. Rabbi Shlomo Weitzen’s words, in memory of his son
                    Amichai, moved the nation, providing deeply powerful chizuk just days after the tragedy.

            am the father of Amichai Weitzen,   We thought, perhaps, that we were
            who has lived in Kerem Shalom for   weak and had no strength. But sud-
            six years. On Shabbat morning the   denly it became crystal clear: we have
        I en sounded. The terrorists began   great powers! We fight like lions! We are
        to attack the settlement, and the people of   wounded, but like a wounded lion, we
        the alert squad immediately jumped and   shall rise! We will once again find strength
        fought like lions for six full hours.  and joy!
        They fought, and our son Amichai fought   I call on everyone to believe in our power,
        along with them. Amichai and his friend   to believe in our strength. We will emerge
        Yedidya – both originally from the settle-  from these painful hours far greater than
        ment of Psagot, a settlement in which I   when we entered them.
        serve as a rabbi – fell in this battle.
                                            War can sometimes do what other days
        While Amichai left us at the age of 33, on   cannot. We do not want war, but if we are
        the last day of his life he received as a gift   destined for war – the war will deliver us   Amichai Weitzen hy”d (PHOTO: COURTESY)
        many, many more years of life. He saved   anew! A nation is created! A people is   And we send you our blessing: We gave
        all the families of the village of Kerem   reborn!                      our most precious gift for the People of
        Shalom. One cannot know how many                                        Israel. We pray that all of you will return
        years of life he saved. All of these years –   We will start with a new foot, the right   in peace and health, and that we will soon
        may all of his friends and all of his families   foot, after we defeat these savage enemies.   see better times.
        live many more years – and all the years of   For we now understand who we were deal-
        all their descendants, and all descendants   ing with.
        of their descendants!               All around me, I see – everyone is waking
        We were blessed with a precious son who   up! There is so much strength!
        is now 33 years old – plus hundreds of   To all the security forces, to all the fight-
        hundreds of years!
                                            ers, I say: Be strong! Have no fear! Do
        We are now in a time of war. Our enemies   not worry! For if we are afraid – we will
        have wounded us and hurt us. But we feel   suffer even more. Due to your bravery, the   Rabbi Shlomo Weitzen
        that there is so much strength, strength   entire world will finally see what really   is the Rav of Psagot and a
                                                                                        Ra”m at Yeshivat Beit El.
        to cope!                            lies within our special nation.

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