Page 28 - HaMizrachi_Tu BiShvat_AUS_5781
P. 28


                                                                                           Steve Kramer

        ISRAEL’S FAST-APPROACHING ELECTION                                                                                                The Celebration
                          A Short Primer                                                                                                   of Eretz Yisrael

          srael recently announced its fourth   the right side of the political spectrum.   of the world’s most powerful nations,
          election in two years, following   According to the latest Jerusalem Post   brought the world’s attention to Iran’s
      Ithree dysfunctional governments      poll, the (left) Labor party – which   nuclear weapons development, secured
       in a row. Unlike in the US, if the state   ruled Israel for decades – might fail to   peace treaties with four (and counting)
       budget is not passed within a certain   win a single seat in the next Knesset.   Arab countries, and led Israel to be
       amount of time (it wasn’t), the govern-  The left could be represented by only 18   foremost among all Western nations
       ment falls. This is but one way of several   seats in the 120-member Knesset, and   in vaccinating its citizens.
       that the government can dissolve itself   that would be mostly due to the United
       before its four-year term finishes.  Arab List, augmented by the tiny, far-  Although the  election is  on March
       Another difference from the US is    left, Meretz contingent. Another two   23, it’s too early to make predictions
                                                                                 from inexact polls. (In Israel election
       that here there are not just two major   parties of observant and ultra-orthodox   campaigns are conducted in months,
       political parties, but many. No party   Jews usually join with the right-wing,   not years like in the US.) There is only
       has ever won a majority of the voters.   but might be excluded this time.   a short time before the various parties
       Therefore,  coalition  governments                                        must submit their party lists to the
       consisting of numerous parties are the   This time around, center and right   election authorities in early February.
       rule. In past decades, either Labor or   parties, without Likud, may total   We expect more tumult on the part
       Likud have usually been the largest   more than 60 seats, leaving Bibi out of   of current politicians and political
       party, requiring many disparate parties   a job and out of the ruling coalition.   wannabes, the latter including retired
       to join a coalition to achieve a majority   The latest polls show a former Likud   IDF generals/chiefs of staff. Some of
       of 61 MKs.                           member, Gideon Saar, heading the new,
                                            second-largest  party  behind  Likud.   the generals serving as MKs may quit,
       Now, after three previous elections in   There is the possibility that other   leave their party for another, or even
       which Benjamin (Bibi) Netanyahu of   party members may opt-out of Likud,   form their own new parties. Tel Aviv’s
       Likud became Prime Minister, there   prompting the remaining members to   incumbent mayor just threw his hat in
       is a real possibility the mold will be   push Bibi aside to allow Likud to join   the ring. Whatever the result of this
       broken. Bibi has already served as Prime   its ostensible allies on the right, sans   election, Israelis can only hope for a
       Minister more years than any other,   Bibi. (However, early polls tend to be   functioning government to serve its
       eclipsing David Ben-Gurion for that   inaccurate.)                        full four-year term. Stay tuned…
       title. And he is currently on trial with                                  An earlier version of this article appeared on
       three indictments against him, which   Bibi Netanyahu has failed to form a
       – if found guilty – could result in jail.   successful, functioning government
                                            after three serial elections. These were
       Consequently, Bibi must divide his   prompted by his decision to prematurely
       time between running the government   dissolve the previous government two
       and defending himself in court. Many   years ago. It’s tempting to believe that
       people, including me, believe this task   Bibi is following a long line of successful
       is too much, even for an accomplished   heads of state who lingered on past
       politician still thought to be the most   their “sell-by” date, failing to leave office
       qualified leader by a plurality of Israeli   at the top of their game and thereby
       voters. Consequently, breakaway      diminishing their legacies.
       politicians from various parties are                                      Steve Kramer grew up in Atlantic City and
       opening up possibilities of a government   However, Bibi is still the politician most   moved to Israel from Margate, NJ in 1991
       that excludes Bibi.                  Israelis prefer to be Prime Minister. His   with his family. Since making aliyah, he has
                                            historic leadership has brought Israel   written more than 1100 articles about Israel
       Israeli voters are overwhelmingly on   into the 21st century, made Israel one   and Jews.

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