Page 37 - HaMizrachi_Tu BiShvat_AUS_5781
P. 37


                                                                                   Rabbi Michael Hattin


                 Ch† laŽ and Ho’­

                 -d spoke to Moshe saying:   (ואבת יכ) of your dwellings that I am   the Land’s produce, even though their
                 Speak  to the people of    giving to you.” As the Midrash Sifre   secure settlement of its soil may have
      “GIsrael and say to them: ‘At         explains: “Rabbi Yishmael expounded:   been many years off.
       once upon entering the Land to which   ‘The text indicates a different form of   Although the mitzvah of challah is a
       I am bringing you when you eat from   entry concerning the mitzvah of chal-  function of geography because it is
       its produce, then you shall offer up a   lah than any other entry-related mitz-  contingent upon Am Yisrael entering
       portion to G-d. The first part of your   vah in the Torah. Concerning all the   Canaan, it is not Land-dependent in the
       dough, the challah, you shall raise up,   other commandments contingent upon   narrow halachic sense. Challah stands
       just as you raise up a portion from the   entering the Land, the text says ‘When   in contrast to most other agricultural
       grain of the threshing floor. The first   you enter the Land…’ or ‘It shall come   mitzvot, for only produce grown in the
       portion of your kneading you shall raise   to pass when G-d brings you into the   Land of Israel must be tithed and only
       up to G-d, for all generations’” (Bamid-  Land…’ Here, however, the text says:   the farmer in Israel must abstain from
       bar 15:17–21).                       ‘At once upon entering the Land.’ This   the planting of diverse seeds, etc.  But
       This section introduces the mitzvah   indicates that as soon as the people   after we enter the Land, anyone who
       of challah, or “taking the dough.” The   of Israel entered the Land, they were   kneads dough, whether they live in
       Torah presents this  mitzvah in the   immediately obligated in the mitzvah of   Israel or not, must fulfill the mitzvah
       aftermath of the sin of the spies, after   challah’” (Sifre Bamidbar Chapter 110).  of  challah. In other words,  challah
       Am Yisrael had been condemned to                                          connects us to the Land of Israel even
       perish in the wilderness and not enter                                    though we are not yet there.
       the Promised Land.
                                                                                 Thus, the mitzvah of challah provided
       The root of the word is probably                                          profound solace to Jews throughout
       derived from a stem meaning “first,”                                      history who were separated from their
       for the challah is the first portion of                                   Land. To the generation of the wilder-
       the dough separated before it is baked,                                   ness, the Land may have seemed far
       and presented to the kohen as a gift.                                     off, but challah suggested the Land was
       Today, in the absence of a Temple and                                     relevant even prior to its formal settle-
       laws of tahara, the challah is symbol-                                    ment. And for the many generations
       ically separated and then disposed of                                     forced to live exiled from the Land,
       respectfully, to preserve the memory of                                   challah reminded us that one could still
       the original rite. Like the meal offerings                                be symbolically connected to its holy
       and libations the Torah speaks of at the                                  soil even in the absence of possessing
       beginning of the chapter (15:1-16), the                                   formal deed. In both situations, the
       mitzvah of challah is also contingent                                     point was the same: to gently remind
       upon entering the Land of Israel, indi-  In other words, Am Yisrael were not   us that living in the Land of Israel was,
       cating that the judgment meted out to   obligated to fulfill all the other Land-  and remains, the goal.
       the generation of the wilderness would   based agricultural commandments –
       one day be rescinded.
                                            such as the separation of tithes from
       But in contrast to the meal offerings   their produce or the designation of the
       and libations, the mitzvah of challah   first fruits – immediately upon cross-
       speaks of an unusual immediacy: “At   ing the Jordan and entering Canaan.
       once upon entering (םכאובב) the Land   First, they would have to conquer the
       to which I am bringing you when you   Land and settle it, a process that took   Rabbi Michael Hattin teaches at the Pardes
       eat from its produce, then you shall   a number of years. However, they   Institute of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem and
       offer up a portion to G-d,” is more   were obligated to fulfill the mitzvah   serves as the Director of the Beit Midrash
       direct than “When you enter the land   of challah as soon as they partook of   for the Pardes Center for Jewish Educators.

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