Page 40 - HaMizrachi_Tu BiShvat_AUS_5781
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Rabbi Ronen Neuwirth
abbi R
onen Neuwirth
Th E t
abbi Yehuda Ben Rabbi Simon Adam is the only creature who was These verses, which we recite twice a
said: ‘[The Torah commands formed from both Heaven and Earth: day during Kriat Shema, reflect Jewish
“Rus to] follow G-d your L-rd. “And the L-rd G-d formed man from history, our exiles and redemptions.
But how is it possible for a man of flesh dust from the ground, and He breathed During each exile, the Shechina was
and blood to follow G-d? … Rather, the into his nostrils the soul of life, and man exiled with us and Eretz Yisrael was left
intention is to teach us that just as became a living soul” (Bereishit 2:7). barren of fruit-bearing trees. According
G-d, when creating the world, occu- Adam’s role was to create harmony to the Sages, one major indication that
pied Himself first with planting trees, between Heaven and Earth. While our Redemption has begun and that
as it is written: G-d planted a garden Heaven sends rain down to Earth, the the Shechina is back in Eretz Yisrael
in Eden. You, too, when entering the Earth produces trees and plants that is that trees are growing again. The
Land of Israel, are to occupy yourselves grow upwards. Adam represents this Midrash says: “Rabbi Abba says: ‘You
first with planting trees, as it is written: harmonization and is supposed to have no more explicit manifestation of
When you come into the Land, you shall operate the system so as to maintain the End of Days than the following: But
plant trees bearing [edible] fruit’” (Mid- the harmony in Creation. This system you, mountains of Israel, you shall give
rash Rabba, Vayikra 25). is very sensitive. Each time mankind your branches, and yield your fruit to
disconnects one component, the whole My people of Israel, for they will soon
This Midrash is surprising. There are system falls apart. The first punishment be coming’” (Sanhedrin 98a). Rashi
many ways to find closeness to G-d, but given to Adam after his sin was the pun- adds his commentary: “When Eretz
how is planting trees the ultimate way ishment of exile – expelling him from Yisrael yields its produce in abundance,
to follow G-d? the Garden and disconnecting him then the end will be near, and no sign
from the Earth. of redemption could be clearer.” Our
Apparently, this was the first task given return to our homeland represents the
to mankind: “And the L-rd G-d took the The same contract applies to Am Yis- restoration of the harmony between
man and placed him in the Garden of rael, who were chosen to continue the Heaven and Earth.
Eden to work it and to guard it.” Seem- role of Adam and to create the special
ingly, had Adam not sinned, the main harmony between the spiritual life and Tu BiShvat is the festival of Eretz Yis-
role of humanity would have been to the physical life in the Land of Israel. “If rael. We plant trees and are reminded of
work in the Garden of Eden! Is that the you hearken to My commandments… our role in this Holy Land, restoring the
purpose of our creation, to be garden- I will give the rain of your Land at its harmony with nature that we once had
time, the early rain and the latter rain,
ers? “These are the generations of the and you will gather in your grain, your in the Garden of Eden. Every festival
in the Jewish calendar reminds us of
heavens and the earth... no tree was yet wine, and your oil... Beware, lest your something. Perhaps we could say that
growing on the earth, neither did any heart be misled, and you turn away and Tu BiShvat is a reminder of Gan Eden!
herb yet grow, because the L-rd G-d worship strange gods… And the wrath
had not brought rain upon the earth, of the L-rd will be kindled against you,
and there was no man to work the soil” and He will close off the heavens, and
(Bereishit 2:4-5). It seems as if G-d had there will be no rain, and the ground
plans for the perfect garden with trees will not give its produce, and you will Rabbi Ronen Neuwirth, formerly Rav of the
Ohel Ari Congregation in Ra’anana, is author
and herbs, and a big reservoir of water perish quickly from upon the good of “The Narrow Halakhic Bridge: A Vision
in Heaven, but was missing mankind to land that the L-rd gives you” (Devarim of Jewish Law in the Post-Modern Age,”
operate the system. 11:13-17). published by Urim Publications.
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