Page 43 - HaMizrachi_Tu BiShvat_AUS_5781
P. 43

Rebekah Saltzman
 Rabbi Berel Wein                                                                  R ebekah Saltzman
               Tu BiShvat

       Keeping it


                                                          wer t
             u BiShvat – the New Year for   When we have fewer things, we end up
                                            When we ha
                                                      ve f
                                                                   , we end up
                                            spending less time taking care of those
             Trees – is the perfect time to   sp ending le ss time t ak ing c ar e of t ho s e
      Tcelebrate and be reminded that       things. We spend less time cleaning our
                                                 . W
                                                                     aning our
                                                       end le
                                                            ss time c
                                                    e sp
       part of our purpose here is to respect   home,  le ss  time  lo ok ing  f or  obj e c t s  we
                                            home, less time looking for objects we
       and protect the earth. G-d lends us the   need. We are able to spend more time
                                            need. We are able to spend more time
       earth – and all our possessions – so   w it h t he p e ople we love, doing ac tiv itie s
                                            with the people we love, doing activities
       we can use them correctly and care for   we love.
       them. Our clothing, furniture, cars,
       homes, the things we buy, are all just   By decluttering, we benefit ourselves
                                            By de
                                                          , we b
                                                                   it ours
                                                                                                          , you ar
                                                                                                   e t
                                                                                 When you do t
       a loan.                              and the earth. Here are some ways you   When you do these things, you are
                                                      h. H
                                                                        s you
                                            and t
                                                he e
                                                                 ome w
                                                               e s
                                                            e ar
       Since all of these things are just a loan,   can help the earth by organizing and   expressing thanks to the G-d you honor
       we are expected to return them the way   decluttering your home:          and respect for what He has given you.
       we found them. One way we do this is                                      What better way to celebrate the New
       by not wasting the precious resources                                     Year for Trees than to tell them, ‘I agree
       G-d gave us. Bal tashchit, the prohibi-                                   to protect you by using what I have to
       tion of wasting, seems to specifically    Donate things you aren’t using!   its fullest and pass on what I no longer
       apply to fruit-bearing trees during times   Help others who might need    need to someone who does need it.’
       of war. But Sefer HaChinuch says we       those items, and reduce pollution
       shouldn’t waste even something as         and manufacture of new items.   As a personal organizer, I help people
       small as a mustard seed. The Rambam       Recycle or upcycle. When you    let go of their old possessions, thereby
       says whoever breaks vessels, tears gar-   reuse things that have come to the   curating their best collection of belong-
       ments, destroys a building, blocks a                                      ings and creating a cleaner, more orga-
       well or spring of water, or destructively   end of their lives, you help reduce   nized house. If you need help declut-
       wastes food, transgress the command-      pollution caused by waste and
       ment of bal tashchit.                     help preserve natural resources.   tering and organizing, join me for my
                                                 For example, recycling old paper   36-day pre-Pesach decluttering chal-
       Many of us are not satisfied with what    to be made into new paper or    lenge to make cleaning for Pesach easier
       we have on loan. We want more. In pur-    cutting up a torn shirt to be used   and less stressful.
       suit of more stuff, we not only damage    as rags instead of paper towels.
       the earth we are supposed to be caring                                    During COVID, we’ve been spending
       for, we damage ourselves.                 What you can’t donate or        a lot more time in our homes. Let’s
                                                 recycle, throw out. You’ll create   declutter so we can enjoy them to the
       How so? When we buy, buy, buy, with       space in your home for the
       no intention or purpose, we have a        things you need, which enables   fullest!
       house full of stuff. So much, we can’t    you to find what you need when   Rebekah Saltzman holds a degree in Fash-
       find what we need when we need it. So     you need it. You’ll minimize the   ion Design from Parson School of Design,
       we go out and buy the same items again,                                   and has been helping people declutter,
       and our house becomes even more clut-     time you spend searching for the   organize their homes and reduce their waste
       tered and disorganized. It becomes a      things you are looking for, and   through her personal organization company
       problem not just of disorganization       you won’t spare yourself from   Balagan Begone. The website is www.Bal-
       and spending but also a violation of      buying an item you already have and can be followed on
       bal tashchit – what a waste of precious   because you thought you’d lost it.   the Facebook group Organizing in Israel and
       resources!                                                                on Instagram @balaganbegone. Her weekly
                                                 Shop efficiently. Bring a list with   podcast, Journey to Organization, discusses
       What people don’t realize is that often   you when you go shopping, and   decluttering and waste reduction. To join the
       having less means having more.            only buy things you need.       36-day challenge, go to
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