Page 39 - HaMizrachi_Tu BiShvat_AUS_5781
P. 39

                                                                                      TU BISHVAT READING
                                                                                                    T READING

                                                                                   Rabbi Dr. Benji Levy

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             fter listing the seven fruits of   baking” (Shabbat 74b). One might   commands: “And you shall remember
             Israel, the Torah (Devarim 8:9–  assume that fruits, created entirely by   the L-rd your G-d, for He is the one
       A10) describes Israel as “a Land     G-d, are holier than bread. Yet it is the   who gives you strength to make
       where you will eat bread without pov-  very fact that bread requires human   wealth” (Devarim 8:18).
       erty – you will lack nothing there… And   involvement that leads to its elevated
       you shall eat and you shall be satisfied   sanctity.                      We are therefore required to refocus
       and you shall bless the L-rd your G-d for                                 our minds on G-d as the source of
       the good Land which He has given you.”   Rabbi  Joseph  B.  Soloveitchik  all goodness, and to acknowledge

       From here the Talmud (Berachot 48b)   (Derashot HaRav p. 167) explains    His role. Through the Grace after
       learns that whenever one eats a meal   that in the process of bread making,   Meals, said specifically after eating
       with bread and is sated, one is required   where a person plays such a    human-made bread, the Torah is
       to say Grace after Meals. This raises a   critical role, he or she is essentially   reminding us of the ultimate Creator:
       number of questions.                 re-creating Creation. This is the    “Lest you eat and become satisfied
                                                                                 and you build good houses and
       First, it is understandable for the   task of humankind – to partner with   settle… And you shall say in your
       Infinite G-d, as the source of all   G-d as a co-creator, as the Torah    heart, ‘my strength and the might of
       blessing, to bless people – but how   (Bereishit 1:28) states, “Fill the earth   my hand made me all this wealth’”
       is it possible for finite people to bless   and master it.” Bread is the symbol   (Devarim 8:12, 17).
       G-d? Thanking and acknowledging      of our mission in life – to take that
       seem  to  be  within  the  capability of   which G-d gives us, whether it is raw   We must realize the power of our
       humans – but to bless implies filling   wheat or raw talent, and to “master   involvement  in  partnering  with  G-d
       a void. What could G-d possibly lack?   it,” to develop it into much more. It is   and the transcendental sanctity that
                                            for this reason that bread, reflecting   this  can  create.  At  the  same  time,
       Second,  why   does   the   Grace    our partnership with G-d, attains the   we must never forget the Divine
       after Meals apply only to bread?     greatest level of holiness. Through the   source; our re-creations are based
       Immediately prior to this verse,     act of re-creating with that which G-d   upon the Creator’s creations. Tu
       the Torah describes the Land in      created, we bless G-d.               BiShvat helps us focus on G-d-given
       relation to the seven species. Surely                                     fruits of the Land so we can renew
       they, too, require a blessing of such   So why do we recite Grace after Meals   our  appreciation that  ultimately all
       significance?                        after eating bread and not other     comes from G-d. And then we bless,
                                            foods? While it is obvious that the
       Fruits  and  vegetables  are entirely   success of crops is ultimately up to   because making blessings on life is
       natural and almost wholly dependent   G-d, it can be more difficult to notice   our opportunity to transform life into
       on factors external to human control.   G-d’s role in the creation of human-  the ultimate blessing.
       Their growth and quality are dictated   made products. Thus, one may
       by the nutrients in the ground and the   conclude that bread is the product of
       rain from the heavens. In contrast,   humanity alone. The same extends
       bread cannot grow on its own. It takes   to all of our accomplishments. While
       a long process involving “sowing,    there may be no atheist in a foxhole,
       plowing, reaping, binding sheaves,   the opposite is also often true; one
       threshing,  winnowing,   selecting,  forgets  to acknowledge  G-d  when   Rabbi Dr. Benji Levy is a popular teacher,
       grinding,  sifting,  kneading  and   things are going well. As the Torah   speaker and writer.

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