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       between Am Yisrael and Eretz Yisrael as   it  at  every  wedding,  praying  about   Remo Conference “the Magna Carta of
       a marriage between husband and wife. 4  returning to it three times a day and   the Jewish people,” in terms of the legal
                                            facing towards it in every prayer from   recognition of their rights to the Land.
       Indeed, marriage is the one human rela-
       tionship which most closely resembles   all corners of the globe.         This recognition would be enshrined
       a covenant. It is the hope and prayer of                                  in international law and subsequently
       bride and groom that their union will   The Moral Claim                   reinforced by the League of Nations and
       not be dependent on conditions and   Jewish  suffering  and  persecution   again by the United Nations in Novem-
       circumstances, it will last forever and   throughout  history  gives  birth  to  a   ber 1947.
       that it will be built on a mutual vision   strong moral claim to the Land. They
       and values, in which the me and you   have even produced new words in the   The Tu BiShvat Connection
       become us and we. The core of this   English Language – ghetto, pogrom,
       relationship is a commitment to the   inquisition,  Holocaust.  During  the   Tu BiShvat is a time of appreciation for
       vision of a greater good and a better   Second  World  War,  immigration   the remarkable relationship between a
       future together. So too the connection   restrictions remained in place in Brit-  people and its Land.
       between the Jewish people and its Land.   ish-ruled Palestine and in many other   Tu BiShvat is a time to savor the fruits
       This covenantal relationship between   western countries. Borders were locked   of the Land, which – according to our
       G-d and  Am Yisrael  has created an   and ships carrying Jewish refugees were   Sages – are the ultimate sign of this
       extraordinary bond unlike the peo-   mercilessly sent back to Nazi Germany.   unshakable covenantal bond.
       ple-land connection of any other nation.   Israel, the one country and the one
       That is why the Jewish claim to Israel   Land Jews have always called their   And Tu BiShvat is a wonderful oppor-
       is first and foremost a religious one,   own, is the one place they are safe   tunity to reflect on and commit to our
       rooted in our primal spiritual mission   from discrimination and persecution.   Covenant with Elokei Yisrael.
       and based on an unshakable eternal   It is here and only here, under Jewish   Tu BiShvat Sameach!
       covenant between us and G-d.         sovereignty, that there have never been
                                            restrictions on Jewish immigration. All
       The Historical Claim                 Jews are welcomed with open arms,    1   Bereishit 15:18.

       Secondly, from a historical point of   granted immediate citizenship and   2   See Bereishit 17:1–14. The root word תי ִ ר ְּ ב
       view, it is clear the Jewish People and   absorbed into the country, no matter   appears 10 times in these 14 verses. The Cov-
                                                                                     enant of Circumcision has, of course, been
       Judaism have been tied to the Land   their age, circumstances and utility to   accepted throughout the generations and
       since the very dawn of Jewish history.   society. There is a strong and just moral   across the Jewish spectrum, regardless of levels
       The very first time G-d spoke to the first   imperative for creating a safe haven for   of observance.
       Jew, Avraham, it was for him to journey   arguably the world’s most persecuted   3   The Dignity of Difference, p. 202.
       with his family to the Land that G-d   people.                            4   For example, in the sheva berachot recited
       would show him, Canaan, which would                                           under the chuppah, the blessing of  ׂשיׂ ִ ש ָּ ת ׂשֹוׂש
       become Eretz Yisrael. This began a now   The Legal Claim                      juxtaposes the unique connection between the
       more than 4,000-year connection to the   2020 marked the 100th anniversary of   Jewish people and the Land and that between
       Land unrivalled by any other nation on   the pivotal San Remo Conference in   bride and groom. Just as they are unified in a
       earth. The only other living people with   Italy. In April 1920, the world’s major   covenant of marriage, so too on a collective
                                                                                     level is there such a relationship between the
       such a lengthy historical connection to   powers agreed to designate Eretz Yisrael   Jewish people and the Land.
       a land are the Chinese. However, the   as the place where Jews from around
       Chinese have never been exiled from   the world could settle. All of Arabia,   5   See for example Sanhedrin 98a, where Rabbi
                                                                                     Abba sees this in the verse in Yechezkel 36:8.
       their country.                       Syria and Mesopotamia were granted
       Despite the long, dark exile and per-  to the Arab nations with Palestine/Eretz
       secution over millennia, Jews never   Yisrael granted to the Jews. So signifi-
       forgot their connection to their Land,   cant was this decision that the English   Rabbi Doron Perez is Executive Chairman
       dreaming to return to it and mentioning   diplomat Lord Curzon called the San   of the Mizrachi World Movement.

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