Page 48 - HaMizrachi_Hanukkah_AUS_2020_Neat
P. 48



                             Rabbi Yehuda Bibas

         n 1789, Yehuda Aryeh Leon Bibas    By 1852, one year after his wife passed   Dead Sea Scrolls were originally housed
         was born in Gibraltar to a Sephardic   away, the 63-year-old Rabbi Bibas made   in Rabbi Bibas’s library:
      Ifamily. One of his maternal ancestors   the  permanent  move  to the  Land  of   “The  charge  that  the  Hebrew  Scrolls
       was Chaim ibn Attar (1696–1743) one of   Israel  and  was  welcomed  by  his  stu-  discovered sometime ago at the Dead
       the most prominent rabbis of the Moroc-  dents in Jaffa.                  Sea came from looted synagogues and
       can Jewish community and author of the                                    the library of Judah Bibas in the city
       influential Or HaChaim.              He made his home in Chevron, where   of Chevron, which were sacked by the
       Bibas’s father came from a line of Rabbis   he  built his extensive  library  and  was   Arabs  in  the  bloody  riots  of  1929,  is
       in Tétouan who emigrated to Gibraltar   appointed supervisor of the Magen   made by Prof. Solomon Zeitlin in the
       in 1859 after a pogrom. Bibas studied as   Avot Fund, a local organization that   current  issue  of  the  Jewish  Quarterly
       a child in Gibraltar and after his father’s   helped purchase property and maintain   Review, published by Dropsie College.”
       death,  he moved in  with  his  grandfa-  community institutions.         “...Prof. Zeitlin, who from the beginning
       ther in Livorno, Italy, home to a presti-                                 questioned the antiquity and authentic-
       gious and educated Jewish community.                                      ity of the Scrolls, claims that they were
       It was there Bibas received his Jewish                                    not in fact discovered in caves near the
       education, became a doctor and gained                                     Dead Sea by Bedouins, but were stolen
       fluency in English, Italian, Spanish and                                  by Arabs in the Chevron massacres and
       Hebrew. He then returned to Gibraltar                                     then hidden for many years before being
       where he established himself as head                                      produced as new finds. He points out
       of a local yeshiva, attended by students                                  that for the last few years many of the
       from England, Italy and North Africa.                                     Torah Scrolls which were stolen from
       In 1810 he came to London, England,                                       Chevron were offered for sale by men
       where he met with the famous Jewish                                       connected with the Syrian Convent who
       activist and  philanthropist  Sir Moses                                   also bought the Dead Sea Scrolls from
       Montefiore. The two later collaborated                                    an Arab.”
       on many projects, Montefiore also                                         We will never know whether Rabbi
       being a staunch advocate of strengthen-                                   Bibas knew he was in possession of one
       ing the Jewish population of the Land of                                  of the world’s most important ancient
       Israel.                                                                   documents. However, the ransacking
       In 1831, Bibas was appointed Chief                                        of his precious library and the selling of
       Rabbi of Corfu, Greece.                                                   Jewish holy texts was not nearly as rep-
       By 1839, Bibas was well on his path of                                    rehensible as the razing of the cemetery
       activism on behalf of uniting World                                       and desecration of his final resting place
       Jewry  regarding  the  Land  of  Israel. It                               by the Jordanians who controlled Chev-
       could be considered the beginning of   After years of advocacy work on behalf   ron from 1948–1967.
       the Zionist Movement, proto-Zion-    of the Jewish homeland, Rabbi Bibas   Today, Rabbi Bibas’s legacy is in the phi-
       ism. The Land of Israel at the time was   died only two months after arriving in   losophy of the Jewish right to self-deter-
       ruled by the Ottoman Empire, based   Israel and was buried in the Old Jewish   mination and a return to the ancestral
       in  Turkey,  which  was  not  always  hos-  Cemetery in Chevron, near the graves   homeland based on religious precepts
       pitable to the indigenous Jewish com-  of many other great Jewish sages.  and national aspirations. These con-
       munity. Inspired by a series of Serbian   His vast collection of rare books was   cepts were revolutionary at the time
       and Greek revolts against the Ottoman                                     but went on to influence the creation of
       Turks, Rabbi Bibas advocated mass    donated to local yeshivot.           a thriving Jewish State that today is at
       repatriation of  Jews  to  Israel. In  1839,   According to a brief article from the   the forefront of high-tech, environmen-
       he embarked upon a tour of European   Jewish Telegraphic Agency dated Octo-  tal and medical fields, and a haven for
       Jewish communities to advocate aliyah.   ber 23, 1952, the now world- renowned   seekers of spirituality. 

                                                     Israel is the only place in the world where Jews can create a society,
     48  |                                              and that is a religious task even though Israel is a secular state.
                                                                                                RABBI SACKS
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