Page 52 - HaMizrachi_Hanukkah_AUS_2020_Neat
P. 52


                                                                                      Dr. David S Ribner


                our Children

                for Marriage

              ur tradition has long directed    large part dependent on feeling      making assumptions) helps to
              us to the realization that rais-  accepted by others just as you       avoid and resolve conflicts.
      Oing children involves much               are, without expectation of fun-
       more than providing for their physical   damental change. This in turn    •   Expressing acknowledgment and
       needs.                                   enhances a sense of trust that       gratitude – For both the expected
                                                openness and honesty, sharing        and unexpected, expressions of
       Preparing our children for their vari-                                        appreciation and thankfulness
       ous roles as adults begins the moment    uncertainties and vulnerabilities,   can minimize feelings of being
                                                will be treated with respect.
       we bring them into this world. Every                                          taken  for granted. Creating such
       human interaction affords these      •   Caring and affection – These are     a positive atmosphere contributes
       newborns the opportunity to learn        emotions which express connect-      to the security of being seen and
       numerous cues, responses and behav-      edness and should be pervasive       valued.
       iors. As children move along develop-    aspects of family relationships.
       mentally, an initial and later ongoing   People may communicate these     •   Acts  of  kindness  –  Each  family
       source of these lessons focuses on the   feelings differently, some more      member should consider doing
       dynamic they perceive between their      verbally, some more action-ori-      more than just fulfilling minimal
       parents. As mothers and fathers, we      ented. No matter how you do it,      expectations and to do so as a
       are not always tuned in to the extent    the result is strengthened rela-     gesture of good will. The goal is
       our marital interactions form a tem-     tional bonds.                        to make the lives of others that
       plate for the expectations our children                                       much happier and each of these
       will have of themselves as future mar-  •   Open communication  – Verbal      acts conveys a message of invest-
       ital partners.                           communication should be clear        ing in emotional intimacy.
       Since we doubtless would like to see     and unambiguous, intended to     •   Mechanisms for healing and
       them married, and happily so, which      convey messages that are as pos-     repair – All families confront
       relational elements would  we ideally    itive  as  possible.  Assumptions    difficult moments, when expec-
       prefer them to glean from growing        about another’s thought or feeling   tations are not met or when
       up in our homes? While there is no       must be confirmed verbally – no      communication fails. Developing
       one  formula  for  a  successful  marital   one reads minds. When disagree-   mechanisms to positively cope
       relationship, our focus here will be on   ments arise, neither side should    with these situations avoids accu-
       modeling the skills of intimacy. We      imply rejection or devaluing.        mulating emotional scar tissue
       suggest that the following list provides   •   Curiosity – Truly being interested   and allows for strengthening
       a framework that may enhance our                                              family ties.
       awareness of a crucial aspect of hus-    in the lives of those around you,
       band/wife modeling and parent/child      in their experiences, thoughts   •   Independent growth and devel-
       interactions:                            and feelings allows you to stay      opment  – Each family member
                                                attuned to each other. Curiosity     should  be encouraged  and sup-
       •   Trust  and  acceptance  – Comfort    about your family members’ reac-     ported to pursue personally
          in familial relationships is to a     tions and behaviors (rather than     important interests, career paths

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