Page 10 - HaMizrachi Tisha B'Av AUS 2021
P. 10


                                                       Sivan Rahav Meir and Yedidya Meir

                         Four Thoughts

                             for Tisha B’Av

            I used to think that “Sinat Chinam”   I was a little embarrassed that I hadn’t   fire against me, could you have done so?”
            was the only reason for the Churban,   known of these lessons from the Churban.   After these questions, Yerushalayim tells
            and only used in the context of Tisha   Maybe today we should be addressing   Bavel, “A dead lion you have killed, ground
       1B’Av. Of course, it’s certainly a signif-  these issues too?            flour you have ground, a burnt city you
        icant reason, but I sometimes felt it led                               have burnt, a destroyed Temple you have
        me to empty cliches on achdut and achdut                                destroyed.”
        alone. I also found that people often used   When we think of the Churban as
        the term “Sinat Chinam” when it was con-  the destruction of a building, we   This is an incredible statement.
        venient for them.                        mistakenly define the tragedy. It
                                           2was not just bricks and mortar that   Bavel has just plucked the ripe fruit, easily
        Over the past few years, I discovered that   were destroyed. It was a different reality.   conquering. Bavel hasn’t killed, burnt or
        Chazal recorded many other very clear rea-                              destroyed.
        sons for the Churban.               Nowadays, we are educated to believe
                                            what we once knew and felt. It’s difficult   Yerushalayim was already destroyed,
        It’s not exactly  politically correct, and   to explain in words the lack of something   crumbled from within.
        perhaps not oft quoted, but this is what’s
        written in Masechet Shabbat:        we never experienced. A spiritual center   The Mikdash was not externally destroyed
                                            to which all our hearts were connected.
           ת ַאי ִר ְק ּול ְּ טי ִּ ב ֶ ׁש לי ִב ְ ׁש ִּ ב א ָּ ל ֶא םִי ַל ָ ׁשּורְי ה ָב ְר ָח אל ֹ  We have to exert ourselves to experience   until we destroyed it internally.
                           .תי ִב ְר ַע ְו תי ִר ֲח ַ ׁש ע ַמ ְ ׁש              The city was not externally burned until
                                            kedusha for even a moment, when once,
           “Yerushalayim was destroyed only because   Yerushalayim was the epicenter of con-  we burned it from within. From then until
           its citizens intentionally omitted recitation   stant holiness for every person. Imagine   today, our enemies simply exploit our own
           of Shema morning and evening.”   people in a make-believe world who think   vulnerabilities.
                                            marriage means sending a weekly text
           י ֵדי ִמ ְל ַּ ת  ּ ה ָּ ב ּוּזי ִּ ב ֶ ׁש לי ִב ְ ׁש ִּ ב א ָּ ל ֶא םִי ַל ָ ׁשּורְי ה ָב ְר ָח אל ֹ  If we lack faith or motivation, if we are
                                    .םי ִמ ָכ ֲח  message and speaking on the phone once   divided, if we forget our identity and tra-
                                            a month. They don’t realize there are much
           “Yerushalayim was destroyed only because   deeper and more meaningful levels of com-  dition, if we become addicted to extrem-
           they disparaged the Torah scholars in it.”  munication. They simply don’t know they   ist struggles instead of dealing with the
                                            can strive for so much more. We’re crawl-  essence, with what is important – we are
            ּ ה ָּ ב ּול ְּ טי ִּ ב ֶ ׁש לי ִב ְ ׁש ִּ ב א ָּ ל ֶא ם ִי ַל ָ ׁשּור ְי ה ָב ְר ָח אל ֹ  the burners and destroyers.
                           .ן ָּ ב ַר תי ֵּ ב ל ֶ ׁש תֹוקֹוני ִּ ת  ing in first gear when we should be flying!
                                            Av is a reminder for us to dream, to strive   In Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah’s
           “Yerushalayim was destroyed only because   higher than our routine reality. It’s like the
           schoolchildren there were interrupted from   broken glass at a wedding, which symbol-  famous “spider web speech,” he outlines
           studying Torah.”                                                     the ways that will allow Israel to crum-
                                            izes our incomplete reality, and reminds   ble from within. The tanks and nuclear
           ה ֶז ּוחי ִכֹוה א ּ ֶ ׁש לי ִב ְ ׁש ִּ ב א ָּ ל ֶא םִי ַל ָ ׁשּורְי ה ָב ְר ָח אל ֹ  us there is still work to do.  weapons are not the essence, he says. The
                                     .ה ֶז ת ֶא
                                                                                essence is Israel’s faith and Jewish identity.
           “Yerushalayim was destroyed only because   The Midrash personifies Yerusha-  Without such inner resilience, they are like
           the people did not rebuke one another.”                              cobwebs.
                                                  layim in a poignant statement the
        There are many other fascinating reasons   city makes to Bavel after she sees   If Nasrallah understood this dynamic,
        which describe a society that has lost its  3Bavel rejoicing and reveling in her   of ground flour and a destroyed Temple,
        faith, its respect for its identity and the   destruction: “If Heaven had not already   surely we can understand it too?
        ability to care for others physically and   waged war against me, could you have
        spiritually.                        done so? If Heaven had not already sent

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