Page 14 - HaMizrachi Tisha B'Av AUS 2021
P. 14


                                                                               Chief Rabbi David Lau

                            Everything That Was

                         Destroyed Can Be Built

                                                                                From these events, we came to know the
                                                                                power of the individual. From the destruc-
                                                                                tion, we learned how the hatred of one
                                                                                simple man – and the controversy he
                                                                                managed to stir up against another Jew –
                                                                                managed to cause such immense damage.
                                                                                But, as Rabbi Nachman says, if you believe
                                                                                destruction is possible, believe rectifica-
                                                                                tion is possible too.
                                                                                Every person has the power to destroy, but
                                                                                also, equally, the power to build.
                                                                                On Tisha B’Av, we remember the moments
                                                                                of sorrow and pain that have befallen our
                                                                                people through the ages. The kinnot give
                                                                                expression to Jewish calamities, from the
                t the Peel Commission of 1936,   our people have gone through throughout   destruction of the Temples, through the
                then Chairman of the Jewish   history. The basis of the Jewish holidays
                Agency, David Ben-Gurion,   is built upon this concept, so that Jewish   Crusades, the suffering of the Martyrs in
        Aaddressed the crowd with the       tradition can be passed on, from father to   Spain, the pogroms to the destruction of
                                                                                European Jewry during World War II. This
        following statement: “About 300 years ago,   son, from mother to daughter and for all   day is unique in that it belongs to all of us,
        a ship named ‘Mayflower’ sailed into the   future generations, because the essence   to each and every one of our people. This
        new world. It was a great event in the his-  of Judaism is ך ְנ ִב ְל  ָּת ְדַּג ִה ְו, and you shall tell
        tory of England and America, but I would   your son.                    fast does not belong to specific rabbis or
                                                                                personalities, because every member of
        like to know if there is one Englishman
        who knows exactly when this ship set sail   According to tradition, it was on Tisha   the Jewish people can and should mark
                                                                                this historic national day, the day the Beit
        and how many Americans know when. Do   B’Av that the spies who toured the Land
        they know how many people were on the   returned to Moshe and to Am Yisrael who   HaMikdash was destroyed, the day our
                                                                                people went into exile.
        same ship, and what was the nature of the   were awaiting their report in the desert.
        bread they ate when they left?”     The spies managed to incite the people   I pray and hope that just as the Temple
        “And yet,” Ben-Gurion added, “More than   against Moshe and against the Land.   was destroyed by the sinat chinam of ordi-
        3,300 years before the Mayflower voyage,   Against them stood one man, Calev ben   nary Jews, so will it be rebuilt soon, with
        the Jews left Egypt, and every Jew in the   Yefuneh (who was later joined by Yehoshua   the help of G-d, through the ahavat chinam
        world knows exactly what day they went   bin Nun), who shouted loudly: ה ֶל ֲע ַנ הל ָע,   of ordinary Jews in our generation, each
        out – on the 15th of Nissan. And everyone   “Let us go up and inherit it!” One man   according to his or her power and abili-
        knows exactly what bread the Jews ate –   against an entire nation, trying to bring   ties in prayer, good deeds, preservation of
        matzah. To this day, Jews all over the world   the nation to its rightful place, ת ּ ַד ְמ ֶח ץ ֶר ֶא   Jewish tradition and strengthening of faith
        eat matzah on the 15th of Nissan – in Amer-  תֹוב ָא, the Land of the Forefathers, which   and healthy, vibrant Judaism.
        ica, Russia and other countries, and tell   would become the inheritance of their
        the story of the Exodus and the troubles   children.
        that befell the Jews from the Exodus until
        today.”                             This fast also marks the destruction of
                                            the Temple, the holiest place in Judaism.
        There is no other  nation  in the world
        that embodies, marks, recalls and is tor-  The destruction of the Second Temple was
        mented by the events which occurred   caused by sinat chinam, baseless hatred;
        to them thousands of years ago. But the   because of a simple quarrel between two
        Jews have been reminding and remember-  Jews, one of whom hurt his friend in
        ing for thousands of years – not just the   public. It was this hatred that caused the
        Temple which was destroyed on this day,   great fire that eventually led to the destruc-  Rabbi David Lau is the Ashkenazi Chief
        Tisha B’Av, but all the significant events   tion of the Temple.        Rabbi of Israel.

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