Page 12 - HaMizrachi Tisha B'Av AUS 2021
P. 12

ה ָרוֹת א ֵצ ֵתּ ןוֹיּ ִצּ ִמ י ִכּ

                          Mizrachi wishes Mazal Tov to our Graduates

                             and B’hatzlacha to our Shlichim of 5782

                              The first cohort of
                    Mizrachi-ordained Rabbis
     Rabbi Shlomo Ashkanazy • Rabbi Yehuda Auerbach
             Rabbi Aaron Buechler • Rabbi Jack Cohen
              Rabbi Elad Eshel • Rabbi Yossi Hambling
              Rabbi Josh Lehman • Rabbi Evan Levine
                 Rabbi Noam Lawee • Rabbi AZ Thau

                                                                           Graduates of Shalhevet, Mizrachi’s
                                                                           Shlichut Preparation Program

                                                                         Serving communities around the
                                                                         world in schools, synagogues, youth
                                                                        movements and college campuses

                                   Rabbi Yehuda & Hannah Auerbach  Rabbi Yossi & Channah Hambling  Ben & Ellie Menora
                  –                  OU-JLIC at University of Chicago  Central United Synagogue  OU-JLIC at Binghamton University
                                           Chicago, USA
                                                                                                   New York, USA
                                                                      Birmingham, UK
          B’hatzlacha to our              Moshe Balofsky         Rabbi Shmuel & Jackie Hauss   Yaakov & Ariella Pinsky
                                           Torah MiTzion
      shlichim, rabbinic couples          Washington, USA         Vancouver Hebrew Academy      Mizrachi and Bnei Akiva
                                                                      Vancouver, Canada
                                                                                                    Leeds, UK
      and educators embarking
           on their shlichut            Rabbi Aaron Buechler      Shivi & Shira Himmelstein   Rabbi Bentzi & Esther Shor
                                                                  Bnei Akiva and Carmel School
                                                                                                  Bnei Akiva Schools
                                        Yeshivat Migdal HaTorah
                  –                        Modiin, Israel              Perth, Australia           Toronto, Canada
                                        Ariel & Dorit Cohen         Rabbi Noam Lawee         Rabbi Nimrod & Chana Soll
                                      OU-JLIC at Brandeis University  Yeshivat Kerem B’Yavneh  OU-JLIC at University of Illinois
                                            Boston, USA              Kibbutz Yavneh, Israel     Urbana-Champaign, USA
          Rabbi Shlomo Ashkanazy         Rabbi Jack Cohen         Rabbi Josh & Rikki Lehman  Rabbi AZ & Hadassah Thau
                Aish Global             Hampstead Synagogue      OU-JLIC at University of Maryland  Bnei Akiva Schools and Beit Midrash
              Jerusalem, Israel             London, UK                 Maryland, USA              Toronto, Canada
         Rabbi Ben & Rachel Atwood     Rabbi Elad & Lani Eshel       Rabbi Evan Levine         Dror & Tamar Yechieli
             Jewish Community           Mizrachi and Bnei Akiva         Hale Shule          Bnei Akiva and Community Programs
                Atlanta, USA               Manchester, UK              Manchester, UK             Montreal, Canada

                      Creating Tomorrow’s Leaders Today
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