Page 27 - HaMizrachi # 21 Tisha B'Av 2020 USA
P. 27


                                                                                              Rivi Frankel


                          P A S T AND FUTURE

              n Tisha B’Av, we commem-      your gods, O Yehuda” (Yirmiyahu      looks, one can see the fulfillment of
              orate the destruction of the   11:13). As Chazal tell us in Men-   positive prophecies alongside the
      OBeit HaMikdash by reading            achot 13:22, “Why was the First      testimony of destruction.
       firsthand accounts of that terrible   Temple in Jerusalem destroyed?
       day, along with other calamities that   Because of idolatry, sexual immo-  Batei Machaseh Square is a great
       befell the Jewish people throughout   rality and bloodshed.”              example. In the square is the base of
       the generations.                                                          a  column the  Romans  transported
                                            The ruins of Jerusalem do not just   from  Har HaBayit after ransack-
       Despite the First Beit Hamik-        tell the story of the destruction of   ing the Temple. Across from the
       dash having been destroyed over      the first Beit HaMikdash. Slightly   column is a quote from Zecharia
       2,600 years ago, and the Second      north of Ir David is the remainder   HaNavi, graffitied by a defender of
       almost 2,000 years ago, signs of the   of a market built just prior to the   Jerusalem in 1948, as he was being
       destruction still remain in Jerusa-  Roman destruction of the Second      led out of the city by the Jorda-
       lem today – physical pieces of his-  Temple in the year 70 CE.            nians. Made permanent after the
       tory that stand witness to our tre-                                       reunification of Jerusalem in 1967,
       mendous loss.                        At the corner of the southern and    the  quote reads, “So said  the  L-rd
                                            western walls, visitors to the David-
       When Nebuchadnezzar conquered        son Center can see what is left of   of  hosts:  There shall  yet  old  men
       Jerusalem in 586 B.C.E, it was not   the market street, including mul-    and old women sit in the streets of
       enough for him to burn just the      tiple stalls, as well as Robinson’s   Jerusalem, every man with his staff
       Temple. His army, led by Nevuzra-    Arch, a large archway that sup-      in his hand for every age.  And the
       dan, lit the whole city ablaze. In Ir   ported one of the staircases leading   streets of the city shall be full of
       David (the City of David), in what   up to the Temple Mount plaza.        boys and girls playing in the street”
       has become known as “Area G,” you                                         (Zecharia 8:4-5).
       can see a layer of ash from the fire   Large piles of hewn stone, once part   In the shadow of these two remind-
       that burnt down the royal admin-     of  administrative  buildings on  Har
       istration building near the top of   HaBayit, lie in the street. Having   ers of our past and future, you can
       the city. In one section of the area,   been toppled by the Romans, these   see children playing, along with vis-
       appropriately called the “Burnt      rocks destroyed the market street    itors young and old.
       Room,” the house  collapsed  inward   below, turning a once-bustling dis-  While the city is filled with scars
       after being set on fire. Beneath the   trict into a desolate ruin. Similar to   from our painful past, it is up to us
       rubble is a pile of charred debris   the Burnt Room in Ir David, some     to uncover the beauty of our bright
       almost one meter high.               of the rocks are marked with black   future. May we be  zoche to see the
                                            soot from the fire that destroyed    coming of Mashiach and the build-
       In these ruins, as well as elsewhere
       in Ir David, archaeologists found    the Beit HaMikdash.                  ing of the Third Beit HaMikdash,
       nearly 1,500 clay idol figurines     This devastation can also be seen    speedily in our days.
       dating to the period of Yehuda’s set-  in the private homes uncovered in
       tlement in the city. In every single   what is today called the Herodian
       excavated building in Ir David,      Quarter Museum and the Burnt
       archaeologists have found signs      House.
       of idol worship. These finds echo
       Yirmiyahu’s repeated attempts to     However,  Jerusalem does not  only   Rivi Frankel is a tour guide in Israel
       rally the people and pull them away   bear witness to the destruction and   working with individuals and groups from
       from  avodah zarah. “For according   exile of the Jews; it also holds the   all backgrounds, and particularly with
       to the number of your cities are     key to their future. Everywhere one   children and teens

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