Page 23 - HaMizrachi # 21 Tisha B'Av 2020 USA
P. 23


                                                                                                    Mrs. Shira Smiles


                hile Tisha B’Av is a day    bereft of giving. I will go, says G-d,   Yisrael. “How can you say I have
                of mourning for the         to the innermost chambers to cry,    not become impure, I have not
       Wdestruction of both Batei           where even you, the archangel, are   followed Ba’al,” admonishes the
       Mikdash, it is referred to in our holy   forbidden to enter. I will go into the   prophet, when the evidence is right
       writings as a  moed, a holiday. How   hearts of every one of My people.   there. It is for this abnegation of
       could a day of such sadness and      Perhaps they will again recognize    responsibility, of “I have not sinned”
       tears, when G-d’s Presence left its   My Presence within the sanctuary    that G-d is punishing  Bnei Yisrael
       earthly  abode and  became distant   of their hearts and return to Me     and Jerusalem. With the destruction
       from us, be designated a holiday?    with love as I stay with them.       of the  Beit HaMikdash, the eyes of
                                                                                 Bnei Yisrael opened up and they
       The  Siftei Chaim teaches us that    This is  HaKadosh Baruch Hu’s  cry,   realized the extent of their sins.
       once G-d removed His Presence        echoed in the first word of Megillat   They had not yet re-established the
       from the  Beit HaMikdash and         Eicha. Jeremiah cried, “ה ָ כי ֵ א – how   closeness with  HaKadosh Baruch
       the enemy burned it down, His        is  it  possible…” and G-d  cries  out,   Hu, but at least they could now
       Presence  was  no longer  openly     as He did to Adam, “ה ָּ כֶּי ַ א – Where   acknowledge their responsibility
       manifest in the world. The  Beit     are you.” Where are you? Where is    in creating the distance from Him
       HaMikdash     devoid   of   G-d’s    your heart? Are you searching for    and yearn for the repair of the
       Presence remained an edifice of      the connection to your Maker? Are    relationship. This awakening alone
       mere stone and mortar. As such,      you a conduit for G-d’s blessings to   merited celebration as a holiday.
       our awareness of His Presence in     flow down to Earth? When we hear
       our lives became dimmed. It’s as if   Eicha on Tisha B’Av, we should be   Our problem today is we don’t
       the clouds descended to obscure      asking  ourselves  ה ָּ כֶּי ַ א?  We should   realize what we are missing. Even
       the sunlight. The sunlight of        be asking ourselves why we have      the  mitzvot we do, we do more
       G-d’s Providence was still here,     left Torah, and how we can facilitate   through habit than as a means of
       but we could not recognize it. All   kiruv, and approach a closeness to   facilitating G-d’s renewed open
       of  Creation  felt  the  distancing  of   G-d again. We should recognize the   Presence on earth. Our perspective
       G-d’s  Presence. While  Bnei  Yisrael   intrinsic loss, and not just the trials   in our daily life should be greater
       cried by the waters of Babylon, G-d   and travails that Galut has brought   than performing the letter of the
       Himself also cried.                  upon us.                             law. We should be focused on
                                                                                 making G-d’s Presence manifest
       The  Siftei Chaim continues. An      The Netivot Shalom uses this idea to   in the world again, as it was in
       archangel then approached G-d and    understand why the Megillah says     the time of the Temple, by using
       suggested  that  he cry and  not  G-d,   this day will be called a holiday. He   our words and actions to this end
       for he is the angel responsible for   explains  that besides closeness  and   rather  than for  rote  observance.
       the manifestation of G-d’s Presence   distance, there is another kind of   Even seemingly mundane tasks,
       in  the  world  as  a  result  of  Bnei   relationship: the worst level is when   like earning a living, caring for our
       Yisrael’s  good  deeds.  Bnei  Yisrael   you think you’re close and don’t   children, can be viewed as doing
       were at fault for no longer being the   even recognize that the relationship   G-d’s work on Earth and bringing
       recipient of G-d’s beneficence, not   has deteriorated or non-existent.   His Presence closer. Our fast on
       G-d. But G-d responds that He too    When you rationalize your evil,      Tisha  B’Av should  arouse  this
       needs to cry, for there is a vacuum   sinful or abusive actions into the   yearning within us.
       and desecration in G-d’s Presence    belief they are in fact righteous and
       on Earth. He cannot rain down        beneficial.
       blessings of goodness because  Bnei                                       Mrs. Shira  Smiles is a sought-after
       Yisrael has destroyed the tools that   The  Siftei Chaim cites the prophet   international lecturer, a popular seminary
       bring the closeness of  HaKadosh     Jeremiah in showing that this        teacher, and an experienced curriculum
       Baruch Hu to Creation, and He is     mindset   had    corrupted   Bnei    developer

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