Page 19 - HaMizrachi # 21 Tisha B'Av 2020 USA
P. 19


       How then do we contain that          Principle 4                          Remember that this is the ultimate
       diversity within a single people,    Never seek victory                   basis of Jewish peoplehood. As
       bound together in fate and in                                             Shimon bar Yochai said, “When
       destiny? I think there are seven     Never ever seek to inflict defeat    one Jew is injured, all Jews feel the
       principles.                          on your opponents. If you seek to    pain.” So that is why we must strive
                                            inflict defeat on your opponent,     to remember principle six. I don’t
       Principle 1                          they must, by human psychology,      need you to agree with me, I just
       Keep talking                         seek to retaliate and inflict defeat   need you to care about me.
                                            on  you. The  end  result  is  though
       Remember what the Torah says         you win today, you lose tomorrow     Principle 7
       about  Yosef and his  brothers:  אלֹ ְ ו   and everyone loses in the end. Do   Remember that G-d
       םלֹ ׁ ָ ש ְ ל ֹור ְּ בּ ַ ד ּול ְ כָי – “They couldn’t speak   not think in terms of victory or   chose us as a people
       to him in peace.” In other words,    defeat. Think in terms of the good
       Rabbi Yonason Eybeschutz says, had   of the Jewish people.                G-d did not choose only the
       they kept speaking, eventually, they                                      righteous,  He  chose all of  us.  We
       would have made peace. So keep       Principle 5                          stand before G-d as a people,
       talking to one another.              If you seek respect,                 and it is as a people that we stand
                                            give respect                         before the world. The world does
       Principle 2                                                               not make distinctions. Antisemites
                                                                                 do not make distinctions. We are
       Listen to one another                Remember the principle of the        still united by a covenant of shared
                                            Book of Proverbs: “As water reflects
       There is good news about the         face to face, so does the heart of   memory, shared identity and shared
                                                                                 fate, even if we do not share the
       Jewish people and bad news. The      person to person.” As you behave     exact same faith.
       good news is we are amongst the      to others, they will behave to you. If
       greatest speakers in the world.      you show contempt for other Jews,    The Sages said a very striking thing.
       The bad news is we are among the     they will show contempt to you. If   They  said,  “Great  is  peace  because
       world’s worst listeners.  ל ֵ א ָ רׂ ְ שִי  ע ַ מ ׁ ְ ש   you respect other Jews, they will   even if Israel is worshipping idols
       calls on us to listen to one another   show respect to you.               and there is peace among them, G-d
       in  a  way  that  we  can  actually  hear                                 will never allow harm to happen to
       what our opponent is saying. If we   Principle 6                          them.”  That is a  powerful idea to
       do this, we discover it is not just a   You can disagree,                 reflect upon.
       powerful way to avoid conflict, but   but still care                      So the next time you are tempted to
       profoundly therapeutic as well.                                           criticize another Jew or walk away
                                            Jews will never agree on every-      from a group of Jews you think
       Principle 3                          thing, but we remain one extended    have offended you, make that extra
                                            family. If you disagree with a friend,
       Work to understand those             tomorrow they may no longer be       effort to stay together, to forgive, to
                                                                                 listen, to try and unite, because if
       with whom you disagree               your friend. But if you disagree     G-d loves each of us, can we justify
                                            with your family, tomorrow they are   failing to strive to do this too?
       Remember why the law follows         still  your  family. In  the  end, family
       Hillel  rather  than    Shammai.     is what keeps us together, and that
       According to the Talmud, Hillel was   is  expressed  best  in  the  principle
       humble and modest; he taught the     הֶז ָּ ב הֶז םי ִ ב ֵ ר ֲ ע ל ֵ א ָ רׂ ְ שִי ל ָּ כ – All Jews are
       views of his opponents even before   responsible for one another. Ulti-
       his own. He labored to understand    mately,  I  do  not  need  you  to  agree   Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks is Emeritus
       the  point  of  view  with  which  he   with me, I just need you to care   Chief Rabbi of the United Hebrew Congre-
       disagreed.                           about me.                            gations of the Commonwealth

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