Page 15 - HaMizrachi # 21 Tisha B'Av 2020 USA
P. 15

What are the Kinot?                  tradition, wrote kinot mourning the   Some collections of  kinot contain
       As we mourn the destruction of       destruction of the Temple in Jerusa-  even newer  kinot – 20th-century
       the Beit HaMikdash on Tisha B’Av,    lem and the plight of Israel. Gabirol   compositions that focus explicitly
       Jews customarily gather to recite    wrote with a pure Biblical Hebrew    on the horrors of the Holocaust.
       kinot – liturgical poems that reflect   diction that would become the sig-
       upon themes of tragedy and loss.     nature style of the Spanish school of
       Kinot are recited aloud and often in   Hebrew poets and he popularized    Why were the “new” Kinot added?
       unison as a way of somehow com-      the strict Arabic meter in Hebrew    In the words of Rabbi Kalonymus
       municating with or beseeching G-d,   poetry, originally introduced by     ben Yehuda, the author of  Kinah
       and of feeling the spirit of mourn-  Dunash ben Labrat.                   #25: “Since one may not add a new
       ing. There are nearly 50  kinot for   Eleazar   ben    Judah     (Sefer   day of mourning… On Tisha B’Av,
       Tisha B’Av (customs differ by tra-   HaRokeach) wrote a  kinah follow-    my  mourning  I will  arouse,  and  I
       dition – e.g. Ashkenazi v. Sephardi   ing the murder of his family during   will eulogize and I will wail and I
       and  other differences). The  kinot   the Crusades.                       will weep with a soul that is bitter.”
       are usually referred to either by
       their number (e.g. Kinah #24) or by                                       In other words, although Tisha B’Av
       their first few words (e.g. ה ָ ב ׁ ְ ש ָי ה ָ כי ֵ א,                    was originally construed as a day of
       “How Is It That It Sits Alone?”).    What are the Kinot about?            mourning for only the five tragic
                                            The most common topic running        events listed in the Mishna, Rabbi
                                            throughout the  kinot of Tisha B’Av   Kalonymus ben Yehuda sees it as
                                                                                 the “source,” in some sense, of all
       Who wrote the Kinot?                 is the destruction of the First and   the tragedies that have befallen the
                                            Second Temples.
       The oldest  kinot were composed                                           Jewish people throughout history.
       by Rabbi Elazar HaKalir, who likely   There  are also  kinot  that  relate  to
       lived in the 6th-7th centuries. His   other tragedies as well. The Mish-
       kinot resemble the structure and     nah (Ta’anit 4:6) explains that we   How can I connect to the Kinot?
       content  of Megillat Eicha. For      fast on Tisha B’Av in commemora-
       example, one of his  kinot begins    tion of  five tragic events that took   Many  of  the  kinot  are  written  in
       each stanza with the word ה ָ כי ֵ א. He   place on that day: the decree that   a poetic style that is hard for even
       often writes stanzas in the alpha-   our ancestors should not enter the   native Hebrew speakers to under-
                                                                                 stand and are full of references to
       betical  acrostic,  similar  to  the  first   Land, the destruction of both Tem-  Tanach, Talmud, and Midrash. To
       four chapters of Eicha. The style    ples, the capture of Betar and the   give yourself a better understand-
       deals primarily with the destruction   plowing of Jerusalem.              ing of what you are saying, try to
       of the Second Temple, similar to                                          follow along using a translated
       Eicha which mourns the destruc-                                           version. Additionally, if you have
       tion of the First Temple.
                                            What are the “new” Kinot?            time (whether before Tisha B’av or
       Rabbi Judah HaLevi completely        A whole new wave of  kinot were      on the day itself), perhaps choose
       changed the nature of the kinot with                                      a few  kinot to truly study in-depth
       his  compositions.  There  is  no  pain   written to commemorate another   to help make the recitation more
       or despair over the tragedies of the   set of tragedies – the Crusades,   meaningful. And of course there are
       distant or near past, but rather a   describing the violence that medie-  plenty of online  shiurim and other
       longing  for returning  to Jerusalem,   val Jews suffered at the hands of the   resources too. Some communities
       as in his poem, י ִ ל ֲ א ׁ ְ ש ִ ת אלֹ ֲ ה ן ֹוּי ִ צ.  zealous Crusaders making their way   also host people who provide com-
                                            to the Holy Land. The events of the   mentary in between the different
       Solomon  ibn Gabirol, an  11th-cen-  Crusades occurred roughly 1,000      kinot. This year especially, look out
       tury Andalusian poet and Jewish      years after the destruction of the   for online educational events on
       philosopher in the Neoplatonic       ancient Temple.                      Tisha B’Av.

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