Page 16 - HaMizrachi # 21 Tisha B'Av 2020 USA
P. 16


                                                                                 Chief Rabbi David Lau

           Two Temples, Two Goals

             he   Gemara    (Yoma    9b)    However, when the building no        G-d’s Home, the symbol of base-
             says the First Temple was      longer served as a source of spiri-  less love and unity, intact. Thus the
      Tdestroyed because  of    idol        tual inspiration for the people – and   Temple was destroyed because it
       worship, illicit relations, and blood-  they degenerated into the three car-  was necessary to shock the people
       shed. The Second Temple – when       dinal sins – there was no reason to   again,  so they  would  understand
       the people did study Torah, keep     leave it standing.                   the evil of their actions, and begin
       the  commandments and  do  good                                           to gather the fragments to rebuild
       deeds – was destroyed because of     The Second Temple was built with a   themselves and their physical and
       baseless hatred.                     completely different purpose. Ezra
                                            knew, as did the people, that their   spiritual unity.
       The Maharal of Prague is puzzled     spiritual level was not as it once
       by the lack of proportion between    was. A few prophets still remained   Hence the destruction of both Batei
       the transgressions in both cases.    but the people were beginning to     Mikdash, though indeed for dispro-
       One must not transgress a Torah      disperse among the nations. Inter-   portionate reasons, served precisely
       prohibition unless one’s life is in   marriage was rife and there was real   the same purpose, as was needed at
       danger. Nevertheless, there are three   concern for the physical existence   those two particular points in our
       exceptions (in certain cases), in    of the Jewish people, let alone their   history.
       which even if one’s life is in danger,   spiritual survival.
       he is obliged to die rather than                                          Now, in our times, the rebuilding
       transgress these prohibitions –  idol   Therefore, the second  Beit  HaMik-  work has begun: “Thus says the
       worship, illicit relations and murder.   dash was not on the same spiritual   L-rd G-d: I am taking the Children
                                            level as the first. Not only because it   of Israel from among the nations
       Despite the great importance of all   lacked five basic elements – like the   to which they have gone, and will
       the commandments between man         Ark of the Covenant, for example     gather them from every quarter,
       and his fellow man, baseless hatred   – but because this House did not    and bring them to their own Land.
       is not even strictly defined as a    merit the same level of inspiration   I will make them one nation in
       Torah prohibition.                   from the Shechina.                   the Land... They shall never again

       The Maharal explains the dispar-     Nevertheless,  the   nation   was    defile themselves with their idols
       ity by saying there is a difference   happy, because the goal of stop-    and their detestable things, or with
       between the two  Batei Mikdash.      ping national splintering  had been   any of their sins... They shall be my
       The first Beit HaMikdash was built   achieved. Everyone would gather in   people and I will be their G-d...
       as a direct continuation of the      one place where they would unite
       Mishkan, the Tabernacle. The pur-    as one people, with one spiritual    ...I will make a covenant of peace
       pose of this structure was to make   purpose. They would try to perhaps   with  them, an  everlasting  covenant
       us feel close to G-d. The Almighty   restore the spiritual level of the   with them… and will set my Sanc-
       does not need a home. He com-        former Temple. One spiritual center   tuary among them for evermore.
       manded us to build a Mishkan and a   common to those in Zion and to       My dwelling-place shall be with
       Mikdash for our benefit.             their exiled brethren in Babylon.    them and I will be their G-d, and
                                                                                 they shall be My people. Then the
       After the people came out of Egypt,   However, writes the Maharal, when   nations shall know that I the L-rd
       they asked, “Is the L-rd present     this Temple too no longer fulfilled   sanctify Israel,  when  My  Sanctu-
       among us or not?” (Shemot 17:7).     its purpose, i.e. when hatred and
       Then G-d tells them, ‘I will give    disunity infected the people to the   ary is among them for evermore”
       you a place where you will feel the   extent that great Sages sat still and   (Yechezkel 37: 21-28).
       inspiration of the Shechina, and you   did not protest the demeaning of   May we see this fulfilled speedily in
       will never ask such a question again’   a Jew (the famous story of Kamtza   our days.
       (Kitri, article 3). The  Beit HaMik-  and Bar Kamtza) – and when this
       dash is designed for humans, to help   became a common occurrence,        Rabbi David Lau is the Ashkenazi Chief
       them ascend the path of holiness.    there  was  no  justification  to  leave   Rabbi of Israel

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