Page 11 - HaMizrachi # 21 Tisha B'Av 2020 USA
P. 11


       begins  to  emerge.  We  are not  per-  money.  At this time of  year,  we   we gave over our possessions to the
       fect. Even the Torah, which is the   yearn for the most when it comes to   desert bandits. During Operation
       essence  of perfection,  ends  with   joy, inner peace, spirituality, Torah   Moses, my family and I continued
       congratulations for breaking the     and sanctity.”                       on foot, despite our hunger and
       tablets upon which it was written.                                        thirst, happy in the knowledge that
       And had they not been broken, the         The following is one of the     after so many generations we had
       magnificent Oral Torah would never        most meaningful messages we     the merit to stand at the gates of the
       have come to be. Only after we are   3have received via WhatsApp,         Holy Temple, G-d’s chosen site.
       reminded of and see the importance   and we would like to share it with
       of what is broken can we experience   you:                                We reached Jerusalem.
       a new beginning once again.”         “This  is  Michal  Avera-Samuel,  age   2,000 years after the event, we

           Seeing the pain and looking it   42. I am the Executive Director of   found out the Temple had been
           in the eyes – this is what needs   Fidel, the Association for the Edu-  destroyed. To this day, I am unable
      2to be done now, even though          cation and Social Integration of     to fill the huge emptiness in my life.
       it is much easier to repress it. The   Ethiopian Jews in Israel. Until I was   I remember when my father saw
       following, written by Rabbi Erez     nine years old, I lived in a world in   Jews driving their cars in Jerusalem
       Moshe Doron, sums up the whole       which the Temple was standing.       on Shabbat. I could actually ‘hear’
       story:                               Like my parents and all my teach-    his desolation.

       “Usually, we seek distraction, con-  ers, I grew up with the belief that   The years have passed, I have grown
       solation. But on Tisha B’Av we are   following the destruction of the     older and I understood that I had
       called upon to notice the sorrow,    First Temple, the Second Temple      actually gained from the experience.
       the imperfect reality.               was still standing in Jerusalem. We   I was privileged to grow up with a
                                            believed  that  the  city  was  made   Temple that was standing. When
       Not to escape from it, not to do     of gold, in the literal sense of the   I formed my personality, I had the
       everything in our power just not     meaning. I heard stories of the      honor  of  having the  goal  of  being
       to hurt, as in the pleasure-seek-    priests practicing their duties in the   worthy of the Temple. My parents
       ing culture of the West. Yes, there   Temple, my bedtime stories were     lived to a ripe old age and their
       is bad in the world, there is bit-   about the holiness of Jerusalem and   aim in life was to be pure enough
       terness.  And  we do not  only  seek   I prayed to have the merit to return   for Jerusalem. It was I, as opposed
       consolation, temporary relief, but   to Jerusalem, the spiritual center of   to generations of Jews since the
       rather a full redemption, corrected,   the world.                         destruction of the Temple, who
       a perfect reality. This is the time of                                    merited growing up differently.
       year in which we are called upon to   Belief in Jerusalem was the key
       fight for the world, to fight for the   component of our education in     I and those who were brought up
       situation of  Am Yisrael, which is   Ethiopia, for both children and      like  me can honestly feel  the  pain
       supposed to be totally different. It   adults.                            of the destruction. We fully under-
       is not for naught that in the Jewish                                      stand how the loss of the Temple
       sources it is said that when one goes   The absolute truth was passed     affects our lives.”
       up to the Heavenly Court, one is     down from generation to gener-
       asked:  ‘Were you  expecting  salva-  ation that we were obliged to be
       tion?’ That is, did you really want a   pure in heart and practice so that
       change? Did you believe it was pos-  we would one day be worthy of
       sible to correct reality? Did you try   coming to the Temple. This gave us
       to improve things? Were you hurt-    the strength to survive the treach-
       ing because of the situation?        erous trek through the desert.
                                            We dreamed of Jerusalem as we        Sivan Rahav Meir and Yedidya Meir are
       We tend to yearn for the most only   buried our family and friends who    popular  Israeli  media personalities  and
       when it comes to property and        did not survive the journey and as   World Mizrachi’s shlichim to North America

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