Page 9 - HaMizrachi # 21 Tisha B'Av 2020 USA
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       the burning of the Talmud, the       rejoicing.  Wouldn’t it  have been   This  may be why  these  fast  days
       Holocaust, etc.                      enough for them to have been nulli-  were not mentioned directly in
                                            fied? Why do they have to be turned   Tanach as days of mourning, but
       Secondly, the fast reminds us that   into holidays?                       rather its opposite – as days that
       even when things are going well,                                          will become joyous holidays. The
       even when the Temple stands, we      In Megillat Eicha (1:15) it states:   essence of these fast days is not the
       still need to behave properly, so that   “The L-rd has trampled all my
       things will not take a turn for the   mighty men in my midst, He sum-     past but the future. The destruction
                                                                                 clarifies the reasons that brought it
       worse – G-d forbid.                  moned a set time (ד ֵ ע ֹומ) against me   about and what we need to change
                                            to crush my young men...” From
       Presently, to our great sorrow, our   here the Shulchan Aruch (559:4)     and fix. This correction then leads
       Temple lies in ruins. And yet there   learns  that  Tisha B’Av  is  called  a   us toward the future Temple, with
       are many things we have merited      ד ֵ ע ֹומ (holiday), and thus we do not   G-d’s help. The main point of the
       to see: we have returned to our      recite Tachanun.                     fast is to turn these days into happi-
       Land after 2,000 years of exile, we                                       ness and rejoicing.
       have a State, and we have seen how   The Maharal explains that the word
       the prestige of the Torah has been   ד ֵ ע ֹומ comes from the word  תּוד ֲ ע ַ ו ְ ת ִ ה   We Believe!
       uplifted. Nevertheless, there are    – to come together. That is to say,
       still many things lacking – in terms   Am Yisrael joins with G-d:         Am Yisrael  and the entire world is
       of our sovereign rule over all of                                         going through a very rough time.
       our  Land  and  most  importantly,  in   “The festivals teach us about the   Hundreds of thousands of people
       terms of G-d’s presence and feeling    connection and bond that Am Yis-   have died from Corona, millions are
       His rule in our midst.                 rael  has  with  G-d,  and  therefore   still sick with it, many people have
                                              they are called  דעומ, as it is writ-  been hurt financially, and the future
       We are in a time of rebuilding, but    ten:  ‘I  will  arrange  My  meetings   is  uncertain.  This  reality  brings  us
       now more than ever it is crucial for   (יתדעונו) with you there, and I will   to prayer, introspection, and long-
       us to fast over the destruction of the   speak with you from atop the ark   ing for better times, when all of
       Temple! We continue to fast on Tisha   cover from between the two cher-   these difficulties will turn the world
       B’Av and to cry over all the things we   ubim that are upon the Ark of the   into a better place: more ethical,
       lack – we cry that our Temple lies     Testimony...’ This is the language
       in ruins; we cry that G-d’s  Shechina   of coming together and connec-    spiritual, trustworthy, friendly and
       remains in exile. Through the tears,   tion.” (Ohr Chadash, introduction   pure.
       we  also  remember  all the things  we   beginning with “Rav Ashi”)       Through all the hardships, we
       have merited,  Baruch Hashem, and                                         remember we are living in the
       this gives our tears additional sig-  Thus, while Tisha B’Av may be a     midst of the process of Redemp-
       nificance. Are we  really  behaving   day of sorrow and pain, it also has   tion. We have had the merit to see
       in the appropriate way to be worthy   the element of connecting to G-d.   the rebirth of the State of Israel,
       of everything we have been given?    We cry and we are sad, but at the    and to witness G-d’s abundant kind-
       Additionally, we remind ourselves    same time we feel a closeness to     nesses every day. May we merit,
       that if we have merited so much, if   G-d – who loves us and is with us   with His help, to continue to fix and
       we have merited to see the begin-    throughout  history,  even  in our
       ning of the Redemption, we have the   darkest hours. This comforts us,    improve, to uplift and be uplifted,
       power to reach even greater heights.   and so we do not say Tachanun.     to pray from our hearts, and to see
       We must demand more of ourselves                                          the final Redemption,  speedily  in
       and strive for improvement, so we    A  day  of  crying  and  fasting  is  not   our days!
       may merit to see the full Redemp-    simply about mourning. It is a
       tion, with G-d’s help.               special communication with G-d
                                            through tears. One does not nullify
       The Four Fasts Shall Be              such communication. One enhances     Rabbi Yosef Zvi Rimon is Head of
       for Joy And Happiness                it. When the pain will one day be    Mizrachi's Shalhevet Educational Advisory
                                            nullified, we will be able to connect   Board and Chairman of Sulamot
       As we have seen, the prophet Zech-   with Him through joy. Until then,    Rabbanit Rabbanit Sharon Rimon teaches
       ariah tells us that in the future,   we must connect to Him through       Tanach  and is  Content  Editor  for  the
       the  fast days will become  days  of   weeping.                           HaTanakh website

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