Page 7 - HaMizrachi # 21 Tisha B'Av 2020 USA
P. 7


 Rabbi Reuven Taragin                                                    Rabbanit Shani Taragin

                                             Tears and Teshuva

            This is what the L-rd says:     narrative and referring consistently to   return of their beloved children to
           “A voice is heard in Ramah,      Yosef and Binyamin, the children of   their Land!
           Mourning and great weeping,      Rachel.
          Rachel weeping for her children                                        Just as Ya’akov was eventually
            Refusing to be comforted,       Furthermore, the exact terminol-     reunited with Yosef, and Rachel’s
         Because her children are no more.  ogy of this prophecy resonates       children did return to  Eretz Yisrael,
            This is what the L-rd says:     with Ya’akov’s response to the dis-  we have returned too. However, our
         Restrain your voice from weeping,  appearance of Yosef: “Ya’akov rent   Father in Heaven is still crying (see
            And your eyes from tears,       his clothes, put on sackcloth, and   Berachot 3a) for the loss of His chil-
              For your work will be         mourned his son for a long time. His   dren and banishment from His home,
             rewarded, says the L-rd.       sons and daughters tried to comfort   hopeful for return to the Beit HaMik-
            They will return from the       him, but he  refused to be comforted.   dash. Yirmiyahu continues his proph-
               land of the enemy.           He said, ‘I will go down to the grave   ecy, employing parallel terminology:
             So there is hope for your      mourning for my son’ (Bereishit      “I have surely heard Ephraim
             future, declares the L-rd,     37:34–35).                           bemoaning himself… return you me,
             Your children will return                                           and I shall be returned, for You are
               to their own Land.”          Yirmiyahu intentionally weaves the   the L-rd my G-d… Surely after that,
              (Yirmiyahu 31:14–16)          loss of Yosef to his father with the   I was returned, I repented… I was
                                            loss of Yosef, the firstborn of Rachel,   ashamed, even confounded, because
             his  beautiful  prophecy  of   to his mother, both of whom may not   I did bear the reproach of my youth…
             consolation is presented as    be consoled! The Midrash connects    Is Ephraim a darling son to Me? Is he
      Ta dialogue between G-d and           these narratives and explains the    a child that is dandled? For as often as
       Rachel. In response to the cries of   refusal to be consoled: “One can be
       Rachel (a voice weeping), G-d answers   comforted for one who is dead, but   I speak of him, I do earnestly remem-
                                                                                 ber him still; therefore My heart
       – “Restrain your voice from weep-    not for one who is still living.” Ya’akov
       ing,” and in response to “Because    refused to be comforted  because he   yearns for him, I will surely have
       her children are no more,” G-d       had not yet given up hope that Yosef   compassion upon him, said the L-rd”
       assures Rachel: “Your work will be   was still alive.                     (Yirmiyahu 31:17-19).
       rewarded… there is hope for your                                          Yirmiyahu teaches us that it is not
       future.” The only source of conso-   Yirmiyahu reminds us that just as the   enough to remember the cries of
       lation  for  Rachel  is  the  assurance  of   tears of Yosef’s father attested to his   Rachel and Ya’akov, the merits of our
       survival and the return of her chil-  survival and ultimate reunion, so too,   patriarchs and matriarchs, their lack
       dren to their Land.                  the tears of Yosef’s mother, refusing   of consolation that will inspire and
                                            to be comforted, refusing to give up   direct us to return to the Land. There
       But why does Yirmiyahu particu-
       larly  depict  Rachel  as  crying  for  her   hope, will assure the return of Yosef’s   is another return of children to par-
       children at a time of exile to express   descendants, the people of Israel.  ents – a repentance we must initiate...
       the tearful longings of our national   Rachel’s tears  remind us  of Ya’akov’s   and only the two actions combined
       ancestors?                           tears of the past – a father’s loss over   will assure the return to our Father’s
       As we examine the verses carefully,   his beloved child, and direct us for the
       we note numerous references to the   future. Rachel’s tears teach us never
       story of Rachel’s son, Yosef, who was   to be consoled, and never to give up
       also exiled from his family and his   hope for what is most precious to
       homeland.  Rachel  refuses  to  be  con-  us. Rav Chanan Porat explains that
       soled for “her children (plural) who   Rachel’s tears are therefore described   Rabbanit Shani Taragin is Educational
       is (singular) no more,” which is remi-  as a “הלועפ” – a creative and func-  Director of Mizrachi and the Director of
       niscent of the word ונניא (is no more),   tional action, a constant, restless state   the Mizrachi Matan Lapidot Educators'
       mentioned seven times in the Yosef   for fathers and mothers seeking the   Program

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